Causes Of World War II

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Causes of World War II

Causes of World War II

The World after World War I

The outcome of World War II has long been uncertain. Thousands of German and French soldiers lost on the battlefields of Flanders and Alsace in life, without that it would come to a real decision. Only after the defeat in August and September 1918 the High Command took the army back into the German Reich, in order to protect the soldiers from captivity. The blame for the termination of the war threw the generals, led by Hindenburg and Ludendorff, from the civilian politicians. This military conspiracy theory that has been received as a stab in the history books, found great success.

The majority of the people did not accept the defeat, for a long time was the soldiers, so it was believed, "stood undefeated in the field." The lost war burdened the very young republic. There were numerous riots and rebellions in Germany. A revolution broke out on Germany start. (winter, 2009, 126). Three major powers had been dissatisfied with the outcome of World War I. Germany, the principal defeated nation, bitterly resented the territorial losses and reparations payments imposed on it by the Treaty of Versailles. Italy, one of the victors, found its territorial gains far from enough either to offset the cost of the war or to satisfy its ambitions. Japan, also a victor, was unhappy about its failure to gain control of China.

Causes of the War

The causes of the second World War II were mostly pronounced in the very strong imperialist power politics of Hitler. However, was hidden in the Paris suburb of treaties of 1919, part of the causes, then the outbreak of the second World War I led. Had the Treaty of Versailles have been less hard, had the radical ...
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