With the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, globalization became a global scale, the economic phenomenon, social and political dominance of our time. Today it is recognized that globalization emerged in the first place, with the migration of prehistoric, secondly, as a result of the discovery, conquest and colonization of the New World, and lastly, by the revolution in transport systems and communications originating in the late nineteenth century. Therefore, globalization is not an isolated incident, and otherwise is a long historical process which occurs due to the combination of a set of events that have been vital in the development of man (Appadurai, 1990).
The scope to have political power, authority and forms of government has been changing in the early stages of globalization. Its development has become very slow divided into an "inner world" organized in domestic and foreign realms territorially limited and the "outside world" covering diplomatic affairs, security and military. These areas were the basis upon which nation-states created the political, legal and social. Over time, these divisions have become more fragile and increasingly arbitrary national processes, but each time stronger and more global processes. Currently the policy, rules and territorial government show a change which encompasses the entire world. States are institutions; nations are communities of classes that share a sense of identity and collective political destiny. Nationalism describes both emotional loyalties of individuals with that identity and the community as the political project of forming a global state in which the most powerful nation is also the dominant nation. The fates of the different political communities have been debated and discussed on many occasions, and each of these occasions ...