Causal Model And Marketing

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Causal Model and Marketing

Table of Contents

Structured Abstractiii


Definition of marketing5

Research Methodology8

Research approach9

Literature search for causal model10

Causal Model10

Dependent Variable11

Independent variable11

Level of brand awareness12


Purchase Frequency13


Importance of the model14


Scientific Methods15


End Notes18


Structured Abstract

Purpose - The paper is an academic report on causal model on the topic brand marketing. It investigates the impact o various factors identified in the causal model on brand marketing and brand awareness.

Design/methodology/approach - The research conducted by the researcher is qualitative and exploratory in nature. It is a fundamental research that uses the case study method of research to find the causal relationship between the dependent and independent relationship. This is a step beyond the correlation study and talks about the cause relationship between two variables.

Findings - The model found out that no brand marketing effort undertaken by a company will reap positive results unless the marketing campaign is well planned and is aligned with the underlying objective of the brand marketing. This is essential in that if the dependent and independent variables as well as the causal relationship between them are not known, the company will not be able to come up with an effective brand marketing plan.

Research limitations/implications - The research has remained focuses on only one of the objectives of brand marketing, that is, creating and maintaining brand awareness. In addition, the researcher has relied on the unstructured data for the purpose of the research.

Practical implications - The suggested model is particularly useful for marketers involved brand marketing. The advantages and disadvantages of the various elements have been discusses in detail.

Causal Model and Marketing


Marketing is a very vast field and there are many definitions of marketing. If I were to state one thing that I have learnt about marketing, I would say that marketing is all about creating value. Value creation is at the center of all the marketing efforts. This value creation is aimed at getting the customer lifetime value. Customer lifetime value refers to the net present value of all the profit that a certain organization will be making from its customers over the course of the relationship with the customer. The concept of marketing has evolved with time. Initially, marketing was all about production. The firms paid no heed to the demands and wants of the customers and went on producing what it could produce best. In the next phase, the efforts of the marketers focussed more on sales and in the third phase, the focus was on true marketing.

Definition of marketing

According to the American Marketing Association (AMA), “Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”

In the above definition, the concept of value creation is emphasized by the AMA. This should be understood in that the ultimate objective of marketing other than the relationship building is bottom line. It is very difficult to get money out of people. The customers will not buy something if they do not think of ...
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