The Cuban Revolution was a historic event that marked not only the people of Cuba but throughout Latin America and the world (Volker, Pp 101). Its main exponents, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, among others, have been characters that will live forever in the memory of everyone. Took place after numerous battles between the army of Batista and the revolutionary Fidel Castro, giving the victory to the latter, in January 1959, when Fidel came to Havana and was appointed Prime Minister.
The reason we decided to make this work, not more, at first, simply curious about one of the most controversial of the world revolution, and still today, is the subject of headlines. Many think they know Cuba and its top representative, Fidel Castro, but to know this country and its leader, not only have to go back to the days of 1959, when they reached Havana, but long before the triumph of the revolution, the development of this, its causes and consequences. (Zatz, pp 114)
The most appropriate way to do work of this kind is the collection of data and information, trying as much as possible away from those who are influenced by political and social ideologies, and that with this move away from the truth. Our information includes both books and websites.
Fidel Castro
Cuban politician, the head of the Republic since 1959, the architect of the Cuban Revolution and one of the most prominent leaders of Latin America during the second half of the twentieth century.
Early political activities
Born August 13, 1927 at Mayari, natural son of a Spanish immigrant sugar planter, Castro joined the Cuban People's Party in 1947 and a doctorate in law from the University of Havana in 1950 (Triay, Pp 295). After Fulgencio Batista seized control of the Cuban government in 1952 and established a dictatorship in the country, Castro became the leader of the Movement, a clandestine anti-government faction whose actions culminated in the assault on the Moncada barracks (in Santiago of Cuba) on July 26, 1953, an act for which he was imprisoned. At the subsequent trial took over their own defense, whose argument was expressed by a discourse (History will absolve me) who later became an important political slogan for the revolutionaries (Triay, Pp 295).
The Cuban Revolution
Sentenced to 15 years imprisonment was pardoned in 1955 and went into exile on the United States and Mexico, where he founded the 26th of July Movement (Suchlicki, Pp 56). On December 2, 1956, he returned to Cuba with a force of 82 men, of whom 70 died in combat just disembarked from the ship Granma on the beach of the Colorado in the southwestern corner of the island. Castro, his brother Raul and Ernesto Che Guevara were among the 12 survivors. With its main base in the Sierra Maestra, where they had managed to penetrate the revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro, the July 26 Movement was gaining popular support, mainly in the fields Student Directory (March 13), and in December 1958 with support from Popular ...