Case Study

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Case Study Analysis


This report highlights the issues and concerns associated with the domestic violence with respect to a Case study. This study is focused on the practical implication of the inter-professional and interagency practice in social work with the contribution of other professional agencies. It also involves the legislative measures taken by the government. This report provides detailed information about the amendments in the legislation to improve the social measure. This report contains current policies for the improvement of the social work practices. There is also discussion about the implementation of training and education programs for the inter-professional and interagency practice.

Table of Contents




Family Case Scenario1

Impact of Violence on the Victim2

Impact of Violence on Social System around the Victim3

a)Costs Added Health Care3

b)Effects on Productivity and Employment3

Agencies That Either Are or Could Contribute To Alleviating the Situation4

Map of the Organisational Context, Including All Agencies That Either Are or Could Contribute To Alleviate the Situation5

Inter-Professional and Inter-Agency Practice in Family Scenario5

Current Policy and/or Legislation of Inter-Professional and Interagency Practice in Family Scenario5

The Number of Victims of Domestic Violence6

Laws for Domestic Violence for Children7

Psychosocial Theories on Domestic Violence7

What Should Be Achieved To Influence Domestic Violence8




Case Study Analysis


Social work is one of the noblest professions. Practicing social work involves practical application of professional application of values of social work. It deals with the maintaining and respecting the values of the social work. (Interagancy Council, 2008,

In this paper we have discussed the case of a girl “Debbie” with learning disabilities with detailed analysis of her scenario. Moreover, this report also provides the information about the NGOs that can help Debbie along with legal and ethical framework (Sharland & Taylor, 2007, pp. 76-84). Debbie has some learning disabilities plus she is victim of violence. Her father is involved in the habit of smoking. Her mother had strokes, and she has one Brother, who turns out to be a gay. The problem was very serious that her family had to mange each problem economically and socially. Both the parents focused their attention towards their daughter Debbie. Later they send her to the organization for the people for the people with learning disability.


Family Case Scenario

Without understanding the family back ground and personnel information it is not possible to understand the problems associated with the people. Sylvia Nengomasha (2012) provides the basic concerns associated in the family scenario. In this scenario, the case of Debbie as she is discovered to have further bruising downs her arms and side is the simple case of domestic violence. Debbie also have problem of learning difficulties was moved to the local supported accommodation for people with learning difficulties. Where she involved in relationship with another such person Gary and gave birth to a baby girl. She is abused by Gary and has become a victim of domestic violence and she did not inform her family members even hide facts from her brother. Under the new policies the 2007 amendments in to Mental Health Act 1983Amendments to Mental Health Act 1983, address ...
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