Case Study

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Case Study on Abnormal Behavior

Case Study on Abnormal Behavior

Overview of the case study

The case study, which I have chosen, is about a person named Jack. Jack was an adult who belonged to a normal family. He dreaded family gatherings. He avoided people and any social contact. He was uncomfortable with too many people, and that is the reason he was afraid of them. Jack's family became worried of his abnormal behavior and tried to convince him to get more social at least with his own family members. Whenever there was any family gathering at their home, jack would prefer being alone. After a lot questioning, jack revealed that he also faces the difficulty in remembering people and events. His behavior made people notice him. Many of the kids in the family called him “Crazy Uncle Jack”. Kevin, his younger brother, also use to call him “crazy jack”. In medical terminology, jack was suffering from illness of abnormality, which is known as “Schizophrenia”. Schizophrenia is a mental illness that typically hits in late teenage years or early adulthood, but can strike at any time in life. His mother was aware of his illness, and proper medication was being done to jack. Jack could hear different, strange noises in his room and houses, but stopped discussing it with his mother because his mother would start irritate him about taking his medicine or even take him to the hospital. Jack had planned to move to his own apartment so that he can live alone which he was very comfortable with it. Unfortunately, jack could not get his own apartment because the landlord refused to rent his apartment so to someone who is mentally ill. The landlord was frightened because he had this perception that mentally ill people like jack, are very much violent (Neale, 2009). Discussion

In the light of this case study, the various psychological components including biological, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral will be discuss in this paper.


The biological view point of abnormal behavior says that, most of the time it is inherited or caused by some biological process. In biological terms, a certain disorders in the Central nervous system (CNS), Autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system, causes abnormality in an individual's behavior. The role of neurotransmitters also plays a vital role in this mental illness. The imbalances in the neurotransmitters may dysfunction the brain of the individual. Human studies clearly show ...
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