Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study

1A. In your own words describe Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model of development, including the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem

Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917-2005) developed the ecological systems theory to explain how everything in a child and the child's environment affects how a child grows and develops. He labeled different aspects or levels of the environment that influence children's development, including the microsystem, the mesosystem, the exosystem, and the macrosystem. The microsystem is the small, immediate environment the child lives in. Bronfenbrenner's next level, the mesosystem, describes how the different parts of a child's microsystem work together for the sake of the child. The exosystem level includes the other people and places that the child herself may not interact with often herself but that still have a large affect on her, such as parents' workplaces, extended family members, the neighborhood, etc. (Berk 2005)

1B. Select one of the ages in the case study “Patricia” and describe Patricia's microsystems, mesosystems, exosystems, and macrosystems during that time period.

Patricia who is 12 years old can be considered in the development stage of macro system when she interacted with immediate family or caregivers and their school or daycare. For example, Patricia does not want to do her chores and prefers to spend time talking with her friends on the phone.

Patricia, when turned 22, mesosystems would include when she first became sexually active this winter when briefly dating an “older man” (aged 25) to whom she had been introduced by her brother at a Christmas party.

Exosystem example would include that when Patricia indicates that she has struggled with controlling her weight “ever since I can remember.” She remembers that weight control was one of the issues that she and her mother argued about—her mother would go into rampages where she would throw out all snack food in the kitchen.

2. Describe Patricia's development from Erikson's biological maturational model of development and indicate how she seems to have negotiated the crisis of her life.

Erikson's view is that the social environment combined with biological maturation provides each individual with a set of "crises" that must be resolved. Patricia development is provided with a "sensitive period" in which to successfully resolve each crisis before a new crisis is presented. She had bad relations with her mother and had fights with her. The results of the resolution, whether successful or not, are carried forward to the next crisis and provide the foundation for its resolution. Patricia tried to groom up her self and kept care of her self and her brother. She had good relations with her husband and even kept care of her father. (Berk 2005)

3. Select one of the ages in the case study and describe Patricia's coping and defense mechanisms.

Considering the age of Patricia when she was 30, she was referred for counseling/therapy by her family physician. At 300 pounds and 5'4” tall, she was morbidly obese. However it was a bad time to face along, but still Patricia faced it and controlled it ...
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