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Case Study: Coca-Cola

Case Study: Coca-Cola

Answer 1

The major marketing communication objective for Coca-Cola in contemplating its most new advertising crusade will be:

1.  To boost the perception of the persons opposite the product by 5% in the next 6 months. This boost is in general, grouping all the target market audience. As coco-cola is currently a well renowned emblem in UK it is not likely to boost the perception by a significant percentage (Hiba and Turner, 2003, pp. 25-103).

2.  To focus the distinction of the product contrasted to its competitors and conceives a differentiation perception expanded by 20% in the next 12 months. Cocoa cola has a exact flavour that can differentiate it from the other brands. The likeness of America connections with it can   also be a way to differentiate it.

3.  To focus the emblem standards perception by 20 % in the next 12 months.

4.  To reposition the emblem as junior and fun. Coca-Cola is a emblem with along past. It can have misplace its place as a emblem of junior persons, trendy and fun. Coca-Cola desires to reposition its sale to its apply afresh for teenagers.

5.  To sustain the emblem fondness amidst the consumers. If Coca-Cola is the foremost in UK, it doesn't signify that it will stay at the place in the future. S the emblem has to strengthen its penetration in premier audience.

The communication strategy

Target audience

Between 1995-2002 the tendencies displayed that women became heavier users than men. However, in 2004, the statistics display that the inclination has afresh inverse. In period of ages, there is an boost in 25-35 and in 45+ (the most significant is for 45-54). But the assembly of 15-24 has harshly declined in 10 years. The communal assembly rates are in most unchanging, except for Cl and E assemblies are heavier users than previously (Archer and Taylor, 2003, pp. 5-23).

Mixing all the facts and numbers data, we can develop distinct objectives corresponding to each group:

First, the emblem desires to boost its sales in the 15-24 groups. They are the future consumers so it is significant to come to them in periods of long period objectives. Furthermore, the women who were as hefty users as men should be targeted in fondness to boost their consumption as it was two years ago.

The short period objectives will target the 45+ age assembly more competently, as it is an expanding market and after the baby-boom time span, the 45+ are more many than ever. Also the 25-34 age assemblies, who are the most incline to purchase the impulse, should be targeted.


Targeting the youths: use of celebrities, art sponsorship

To apply the junior assembly, it is significant to request a drag strategy. Art sponsorship will be a means for enhancing business rank and a means for clarify its name; it will change part of the business likeness (i.e. to make gaze the emblem younger). Following this concept, they can sponsor a new a vocalist, Avril Lavigne, who is a 'soft ...
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