Case Analysis Week

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Case Analysis Week

Case Analysis Week


The REBT theory was developed by Albert Ellis in the year 1955. The model is based on the concept of cognitive mediation, frequently used in psychodynamic and humanistic techniques. The basic frame psychopathological and clinical uses the ABC model. Emotional disturbances may be caused by beliefs, values ??and uncompromising demands (demands absolutist). In addition to this for conducting a psychological analysis the works by Alfred Adler and Sigmund Freud are also noteworthy. This paper analyzes the chosen personality of Robert Barisford “Bobby” Brown through the application of the REBT theory and the theories by Adler and Freud.


It has been observed that almost all cognitive psychologists have linked the emotions, behaviors, thinking and personality of an individual to the factors like culture, environment, stress, quality of life and many others. This is because these factors are the reasons a person develops a distinct personality that is different from the rest of the people around him/her.

After a close study of Bobby Brown's early life it can be analyzed that Bobby did not experience a childhood life that a normal child raised in middle classed family does. This is because of the facts that apart from being poor Bobby's parents Herbert and Carole had seven more kids excluding Bobby. This connects with Alfred Adler's approach of psychology for understanding human behavior, because Adler's works have a tendency of emphasizing on social factors (Belangee, 2006), as Bobby did get involved in small acts of thefts; because he was aware of the fact that his family was not that rich and looking around in the society in which they were living Bobby had an urge to have things that his family could not have bought for him. Thus, he started going to the local stores and steal things.

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