Cartoon Shows Effect

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How Watching Cartoon Shows Effect Children


The report focuses on the emotional impact that can cause a person's cartoon defined as: "that generates a strong emotional reaction after being displayed on the screen images." Emotions typically caused shame and anger, both by what shown as the way it. The psychological damage caused by violent television programs for children aged between 6 to 12 years old, and in addition, propose solutions and alternatives to solve this problem that goes unnoticed, until the consequences are. For this section, we will design a questionnaire, In which different questions will be asked by the children's, like their choices of shows, what shows they like most, do they have any restriction from their parents while watching shows. Both Likert and ordinal scales will be used in this questionnaire. Basing me on this I can conclude that: Since the beginning of the cartoon, its evolution has been great is not over, because every time you discover new methods to make them.

Table of Contents




Statement of the Problem2



Literature Review4

The Violence and Television4

TV (Cartoon Effects on Children)5



Material Section6

Qualitative and Quantitative Design6





Data analysis9


Frequency Table11

Chi square Test15

Cartoon Shows -Learning16

Cartoon Shows - Violence Effects17



Children try to adopt moral values by noting what behaviors are unethical and which of them considerably ethical (Chatfield, 2002). It is certainly likely that children imitate behavior reinforced. Besides this factor, the violence that seems justified is more likely to be imitated (Chatfield, 2002). The justification given by instructions, for example, this blind obedience fostered by television, it should emphasize individual responsibility, namely to encourage children to reflect and think about the consequences. Does violence seem real or fictitious? Real violence affects most of the people who initially considered that violence is unreal.

The emotional impact that can cause a person's cartoon defined as: "that generates a strong emotional reaction after being displayed on the screen images." Emotions typically caused shame and anger, both by what shown as the way it. Also, fear takes center stage among children, a situation that is not as noticeable among older people, Even children know that cartoons are not real, and the impact is even not very high on them. Television programs in primetime shows about five violent scenes per hour, and cartoons twenty-three scenes per hour approximately (Eron, 2008). It has been found that people who watch too much television is more fearful and insecure this occurs in both adults and children.

In general, it presents a misleading and pessimistic idea of the world, affecting more children because they have fewer sources of information. One of the major concerns, especially parents, is that children are becoming numb to violence, because it seems hard for the children who saw a violent act; they tend to react with indifference. Studies have shown that watching violent episodes typically decreases emotional reactions and interest in helping others in danger or seek help to do so (Erwin, 2008). If more violence would be seen by people and less disturb they would get, it is very likely that these ...
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