Throughout my life I have always looked up to my mother as my role model. She always told me that with persistence and hard work there is nothing in life that I cannot do. She made sure I knew that when she was my age she strived to be the best at all times, in which most cases she succeeded. She graduated from high school as valedictorian of her class and six years later graduated from college with a double major in electrical and mechanical engineering while maintaining a job and a family with three children. Knowing that she was able to accomplish all this and balance all other aspects of her life, it led me to do nothing more than admire her for all of her achievements. So of course it would only be natural for me to want nothing more but like her.
While I was in elementary school my mother instilled in me the same aspirations that she had when she was growing up. So in everything I did, it could clearly be seen that I wanted to come out on top of everyone else. I received numerous awards in school for straight A's, good citizenship, and perfect attendance. It was during this time I developed a love for math and science. I knew these subjects were the basic fundamentals for being an engineer that I kept in mind for what I wanted to be when I grew up. I slowly saw myself following the path of my mother. I became valedictorian of my class in May 1993. In middle school I maintained my excellent academic status and was awarded at the Academic Honors Program each year.
I went into high school knowing that how I performed ...