Care Of Indvidual

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Care of Individual

Care of Individual


There are number of nursing care plans related to mental health, which usually begins with the diagnosis from a physician and his recommendations for the treatment.

It is the doctor who decides, what should be the mental health needs of a person, what sort of help she requires, what are the expected results the mental health patients would like to achieve and above all, what should be the methods of treatment (Tugwell, 2006, 61).

After establishing the problem, the patient is recommended to a health facility where trained and professional nurses look after the patient who is suffering from Puerperal psychosis. In this article, the emphasis would be on the patient 'Sarah ' who lives in the community with number of complex needs and problems due to Puerperal psychosis. During the last couple of years, large number of people suffered from Puerperal psychosis; that is the reason why there were so many people living in different institutionalized care across the United Kingdom. These days, a vast majority of such people lives in different communities throughout the UK. In this article, 'Sarah ' represents a person who has gone through different health care programs and is still trying to adjust himself in the society. Sarah is living alone along with his brother Steve, and has almost no social contact with other people. Sarah is under treatment in mental health facility and is undergoing different depot injection. She is suffering from number of problems like harassment from the community youths, housing problem, physical ill health along with his deteriorating mental health state.

Part 1)

Institutions and community care

In most of the hospitals in United Kingdom community-oriented model is considered to be a relatively new one. Most of the mental health care practices and approaches which you may come across these days have links to the institutionalized model. Since the late 1850s, a system called the 'lunatic asylums' has been developed in order to provide a more humane and ethically disciplined environment and community for those people who are in need of different mental health related care. Such people are often considered mad in the eyes of the general public (Sheriff, 2008, 66). During the 1850s, the working conditions were very harsh because of the great depression and industrialization, which intended to provide a complete different state of the social control and policy.

When psychiatry evolved as a science, it gave social science a new way of thinking and it also enabled it to develop number of theories related to the mental health and care of people. Most of the important achievements came through different traumas and conflicts. The WW2 gave the scientist and opportunity to study the mental problems of the people like neuroses and as a result number of therapeutic communities appeared just after the World War. When hospitals treating the mental health came forward, they quickly found out that there are number of areas, which needs to be ...
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