Almost 30 years later, Robert De Niro's strong interest in the Max Cady character finally persuaded his frequent collaborator Martin Scorsese to take on the direction of a remake. Initially, the updated script by Wesley Strick had been crafted with Steven Spielberg in mind, for he had expressed some interest in the project. Once Spielberg dropped out, Scorsese was approached, but he was reluctant, for he could see little room to improve on the original with the script as then conceived.
Here, a very dangerous and evil man named Max Cady (played in one of the best villain roles of the 90's by Robert De Niro) gets out of jail after 14 years of imprisonment, and decides to get vengeance on the lawyer (Nick Nolte) and his family (Jessica Lange the mother and a young and supple Juliette Lewis as the daughter). At times the film is surprisingly slow, but the film is never boring, and suspense is always in the air; the climax/ending contains some of Scorsese and De Niro's finest work. Also, De Niro steals the show as the animal Cady by making the person who is supposed to be the hero into a flawed character, thereby turning the film almost into a Film-noir, which is quite a feat for Scorsese and company. Not perfect, but it shouldn't be. Those are Scorsese's parents briefly buying fruit. A-
Sam is legally powerless to do anything to stop Cady, despite the help of the local police chief and a private detective. Eventually, he pays to have several men beat Cady up in an attempt to make Cady leave town. This backfires and Sam finds himself possibly facing disbarment. Required to attend a hearing on the matter out of town, Sam uses the opportunity to set a trap for Cady. ...