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Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Case Study

Patient 58-year-old white female Wed from 4 years of schooling and vocation as a nurse. At the beginning of therapy, she was unemployed due to a knee injury and not dynamic search of work.


The transition to the therapy, the patient said she was depressed and problematic symptoms. Her symptoms of depression were a sad feeling, which was present for 2 years, starting with her breast cancer diagnosis of infection. In addition, she described a significant reduction in power and weakened engrossment with a moderate sense of inferiority, hypersomnia, and decreased appetite.

Generalized anxiety symptoms were also described that embody a constant and uncontrollable concern about the number of points of life, such as work, family, investments, public issues, and individual health(Armento, Hopko, 2007). Psychosomatic symptoms of anxiety covers important troubles intensified, developed without the efforts of fatigue, stress moderate tendon, the dose of misery, and delicate irritability. The patient reported the onset of symptoms of anxiety for about a year before going into therapy, due to surgery on his knee, which affected her knowledge in the work. The patient on the use of avoidant behavior to try and reduce her anxious thoughts (eg, suppression is considered, noting a television, dozing too).

These avoidant behavior was related to her despondent feelings, which impeded her continued to deal before the payment of public behavior. Another difficulty with the position of the patient were two major Axis III problems (eg, breast cancer diagnosis of infection 2 years before therapy and surgery of the knee to 1 year), it needs to reassess how this behavior and life goals can be changed dependence of these health issues.


Allegedly, the patient's depressive symptoms and anxiety were present about 2 years and 1 year respectively. Premier events proximal to the emergence of these symptoms the diagnosis of breast cancer patient's disease 2 years earlier and tribulations from operations on the knee about a year ago. The patient was identified with Stage 2 breast cancer infection (left lateralization) with tumor size 2.1 cm It is a positive estrogen and progesterone receptor rank and was controversial in gene HER-2/neu(Badger, Braden, Mishel, 2004). Subsequent to the cancer diagnosis of infection, the patient was carried out by emission lumpectomy and chemotherapy.

The patient reported previous episodes of depression, covering two psychiatric hospitalizations during the 1980's and one hospitalization alcohol beverages (1989), which appeared to function as an inadequate plan to deal with memories of childhood offensive. The patient reported that her father was often abusive corporal throughout his youth, and that she often skilled migraines and depressive influence of which it is connected to these abuses.

The patient noted that the vivid memories of childhood abuse were revealed during the 1980's, and that the abuse of alcohol appears to be the most productive scheme by which to suppress those memories. It is primarily committed in psychotherapy, in late 1980 and remained in therapy for 5 years.


The patient presented an interview, well-groomed and ...
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