Can A Conference Industry Regenerate A City

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[Can a Conference Industry Regenerate a City]



I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor; family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.


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Economic impact analysis is a topic frequently discussed in academic journals and publications. In many cases positive economic effects are used to reason further development of tourism. Current studies and publications about the research field of economic assessment of different sources and from different points of view have been reviewed for this paper. The content delivers information about what are the factors determining the economic impacts in the convention industry. The direct expenditures related to convention tourism are examined. Subsequently, secondary, indirect economic impacts resulting from the direct expenditure to the host region of congresses and meetings are defined. Well-established methods of economic impact assessment in tourism such as the use of multipliers are analyzed and discussed. A case study regarding the economic effects of conference industry to the region of Manchester is analysed based on the insights gained by the literature review. The case study permits a detailed consideration of an economic impact study that leads to a discussion about which items are to be integrated in the assessment of impacts. The paper shows that results of economic impact assessment are highly dependent on the methodology chosen by the researcher. Finally, methodological problems are discussed and recommendations are given of how to accomplish surveys and evaluations of economic impacts in the convention industry. The outcomes can be seen as a first step towards an integrative, standardized methodology of economic impact assessment that enables the comparability of results of different analyses.

Table of Content

Chapter 1: Introduction6

Research aims and objectives6

Chapter 2: Literature Review8

Expenditure of delegates and accompanying persons10

Accompanying persons10

Types of delegates and types of convention11

Trip duration11


Expenditure of convention organisers, associations and sponsors12

Chapter 3: Methodology14

Data collection14

Primary data14

Secondary data15

Case study: The convention industry in Manchester16

Limitations of research17


Chapter 1: Introduction

Research aims and objectives

The biggest construction site in UK can currently be found in Manchester where the new “Neue Messe Manchester”, the conference and exhibition centre. The former conference and exhibition centre in the city of Manchester does not meet international standards anymore and its size is insufficient for bigger events and exhibitions. The federal state of Baden-Württemberg, the city of Manchester and different other shareholders have invested in this project. The public financial exposure gives reason to evaluate the economic impacts of the conference and meeting market to the region of Manchester. As indicated by the quotation above economic impact studies are mainly used to find support for public projects. The parties mostly try to find the results they have been intending to receive. There is no clearly defined homogenous methodology and therefore ...
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