There are different reasons for the increase in the rate of staff attrition. This research aims to find out the social issues and factors involved in increasing the attrition rate. This research will also determine the health related issues that employees in call centers are facing. Following are the revised qualitative and quantitative problem statements of the research and the purpose of both the qualitative and quantitative statements. The research design, research methods, variables, geographical locations and the limitations of the research will be discussed.
Revised Qualitative Problem Statement
According to Cleveland (2006), attrition in call centers nationwide is increasing daily . Research has shown that attrition in call centers is increasing at an unprecedented rate, from 14% in 2005 to 24% in 2006 as compared to 8% in 2000 (Global Sourcing, 2007). This empirical research focuses on the problems which are the causes of the increase the percentage of attrition rate in the call centers.
Research Questions
The research questions that framed this study were as follows:
What are the factors that contribute to staff attrition in call centers?
What are the effects of staff attrition on call centers?
Why the performance measurement in the call centers done effectively? How the performance measurement system can also be the cause of attrition?
Qualitative Purpose Statement
The main purpose of this qualitative purpose statement is to identify the performance measures of the call center are that are used worldwide. Their increase in the past decade is due to the global economy. Call center sector has emerged at about the same time in many countries around the globe - roughly in the last 5 to 10 years. It was serves a broad range of customers in all industry sectors and offers a wide range of services from very simple to quite complex. It is an important source of employment and new job creation everywhere and need for tradition has swept the world around (2007). Call centers exclusively targets customer satisfaction. They primarily sale a product or provide a service for the purpose of providing improved customer services. Many young people are initially attracted towards this profession. However, in recent years, there is an increase in the attrition rate in the call centers. The rate is alarmingly increasing spontaneously (Reynolds 2010).
There are major problems that contribute to the high rate of attrition in the call centers. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the different factors which contribute to the increased rate of staff attrition in call centers (Raychaudhuri, 2010). The focus of a phenomenological study is to explore the meaning of lived experiences. A lived experience is a term that emphasizes the different and individual lives humans lead. The goal of a phenomenological study is to search for, understand, and explain the essential structure or essence of the phenomenon in question. The experiences reduced to a description of what all the participants in the study experience. Phenomenologist use unstructured interviews as their main source of data.
This research will help in determining the root of the increase in staff attrition ...