Buyer- Supplier Relationship

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Buyer- Supplier Relationship

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Buyer- Supplier Relationship


Through, the realization, of this work is to get to know which should be the ideal relationship. One should know which the most important aspects in this relationship are and tips that you can have to achieve a harmonious relationship. Competitive pressure from the new environment forces companies to review their organizational models and management, resulting in finding new ways to provide a competitive advantage. Traditionally, the relationship between a company and its suppliers has been distant. The existence of an adversarial relationship between the buyer and the supplier, now totally is dominating in the days leading up to the seventies.


The deepening of the supplier-buyer relationships gives rise to associations or purchasing alliances, if they take a common way, are called "partnership," and if you focus on manufacturing outsourcing relationships are known as "Co-maker ship." As the global entomological becomes more competitive, the relationship of “partnership” becomes more important. The concept of "relationship" is based on cooperation and trust (Derosa, 2004, pp. 43, 219-232). The term "relationship" can be understood as a relationship, or strategic alliance, and is coined in the eighties by Japanese company's maintained very close relations with the suppliers, looking like one of the key elements in ensuring the quality of purchased products, fast delivery and improvement continuously. To a relationship is defined as "an agreement between a buyer and a supplier that involves a commitment for an extended time span, and includes sharing information with risks and rewards of the relationship." The Key idea is that each "Partner" to enhance its own competitive position through knowledge and resources shared by the other. Accordingly, the buyers- suppliers have shared goals and work together to improve the design, quality, delivery and manufacturing aspects their products and operations, in an attempt to gain competitive advantage. Therefore, the "relationship" with suppliers different of the traditional relations and imply an inherent trust, and a commitment and a sharing between the parties. As general principles that characterize the concept of "close working relationship" and, by extension, " close working relationship " can be noted the following: “A relationship based on openness and mutual trust; will on both sides to create a business relationship beneficial to both parties, attitude solutions over the dividing lines that may exist the importance of full cost. Developing a long term close relationship with a limited number of suppliers based on mutual trust.” The close working relationship can be seen as an alternative to the option of making the decision purchase or manufacture, and could also be a substitute for vertical integration.

In particular, by studying the contents of the relationship, emphasizes the characterization of:

The market segments to which they attend, contact strategies, the development of revenues in each such segment, certain areas are addressed, quality post-sale service, etc.

The degree of formalization of care, areas of the company involved, the type expertise required, the way it records the relationship.

The level and position of those involved in the relationship, the internal areas ...
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