Buttonhole Needling Technique

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Buttonhole Needling Technique


In this study we try to explore the concept of Buttonhole Needling Technique in conducting research for patients of Haemodialysis in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on Buttonhole Needling Technique and its relation with people diagnosed with it along with the hindrances and problems that occur in the context of conducting research. The research also analyzes many aspects of problems associated with dialysis and tries to gauge its effect on the patients and researchers involved in the entire program.


For the purpose and objective of understanding the accounts of study, we shall look forward for the purpose and objective of making judgments and drawing effective conclusions towards patients with dialysis and at the same time all those alternatives that have undertaken for the purpose of making more amends towards adoption of a new technique called 'Buttonhole Needling'. Although the technique is gaining significant promotion, there are still a lot of areas around the globe that require acquaintance respectively.

Background of the study

For the study, we shall be encompassing the previous methods that have been intended to us for making dialysis more bearable and effective for patients to go through all proceedings under extreme care and surveillance. Therefore keeping track of their ability, memory and attempts to make use of their brain power is an extremely difficult task for them since it deteriorates with time with all other ligaments being affected significantly.

Problem Statement

The problem statement for this study undertaken shall be the effectiveness of Buttonhole Needling Technique upon patients of Haemodialysis.

Research Aims and Objectives

With an extensive scope of understanding, there shall be several objectives which will be covered in the context of the accounts of improving alternative treatments for dialysis patients. These include:

Historical accounts of Dialysis

Treatments prevalent in today's world

Buttonhole Needling defined



Rationale/Nature of the Study

This study shall incorporate the use and understanding of proper and effective methods regarding intention of proper methods to control and handle patients with dialysis and understanding their representation and description of accounts that have been intended to doctors, researchers or any other entity involved in the process(McDonald, 2002, 2212-9).

Limitation of the Study

This study had several limitations. The study design is cross-sectional and, therefore, we were not able to observe the time course of vascular change in response to repeated puncture. However, as the longer puncture duration was found to be a strongly independent predictor of vascular dilatation, the degree of vascular dilatation is likely to increase with time. Selection bias may also be another limitation of this study. Not all the dialysis patients in our hemodialysis center were included in the present study (Klahr, 1998, 671-5).

The patients were referred due to suspicion of AVF failure or for routine surveillance at the discretion of the physicians in charge. In addition, we excluded patients with intraluminal thrombus, as the presence of thrombus made the measurements more difficult. These could result in bias in patient selection. Another potential limitation was the resolution of ultrasound ...