Business Report

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Business Report

Table of Contents




Cultural profiling models5

Main body / Discussion6

Hall cultural profiling model6

The five cultural dimensions of hofstede7

Cultural Model of Trompenaars9





This report is of immense importance as my company is the leading company and after winning a tender for an international project it is of great concern that the meeting goes smoothly and successfully. The fact that the internal partners have quite a clash in terms of culture, probably even their approach towards certain business techniques are different, there are chances of challenges occurring during this meeting. Some cultural profiling models are also mentioned in this paper, in order to establish how well the three sets of managers should mange this meeting. Along with this facilitating them in identifying any critical areas of difference that might need to be addressed. These include Hall's, Trompenaars and hofstede cultural profiling model. In order to avoid certain issues, that can arise during negotiation it is essential to note that only one person speaks at a time. If there is an increase in the disorder during the meeting, anyone wishing to speak should indicate this and be recognized before. No private conversations should be conducted during the meeting people should discuss the subject under discussion. The comments and discussions should be about issues and ideas, not people. The role of manager or concerned authority is to give healthy discussion. The sole focus should be to keeping the agenda of meeting in mind and prevent it from deviating. At any point if felt that the conversation is going away from its purpose it should be stooped and steered back to its original reason of existence.


Being a manager of a reputable company residing within United Kingdom, I as a manger of this company has been assigned with a huge task. My CEO has advised me to build a report that contains all the information required how to conduct this meeting, with its international partners (from Saudi Arabia and China. The main outline of this report involves identification of the issues that can arise during the meeting and recommendations how to resolve them and be effective in meeting. In this report, the profiling cultural model of Halls, Hofstede and Trompenaars are also mentioned with respect to cultural diversity and business management.

Timely management issues

Starting on time is a good practice, so is the practice of ending it at the time. Not everywhere this factor is taken seriously. One of the biggest challenges is to do the entire discussion keeping in mind time management and timely constraints. Having partners from internal countries such as Saudi Arabia and China there are bound to be conflict in a lot of issues as they are participants that have different ways to tackle different scenarios, different thinking etc. when there is a cultural and thinking clash, there are bound to be conflicts. Hence to conduct the meetings within the timeline aimed, is a challenge in itself.


The methodology with respect to this report is based on the qualitative research of theories and studies conducted by well known sociologist or theorist mainly on cross cultures and cultural diversity. This is so as participants do face challenges in relation to this issue while meeting with each other.

Cultural profiling models

Some cultural profiling models are also mentioned in this paper in order to establish how well the three sets of managers will get on and to identify any critical areas of difference that might need to be addressed by the managers. These include Hall's, Trompenaars and hofstede cultural profiling model.

Stuart Hall is a sociologist who is considered among the central figures in cultural studies, in Britain. The work of the sociology Hall of media, critique Marxist, cultural studies or postcolonial studies is dedicated especially on the relationship between culture, power and cultural ...
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