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Motorola Camcorder Marketing Plan

Business Report


"Motorola: a Final Stage Corporation introducing an Initial Stage product innovation with the Camcorder Extreme Convergence (MXC) architecture for camcorder technology." (Kotler, Bloom 2001) The company that I chose to complete my Strategic Analysis on is Motorola Inc. Many of us are familiar with Motorola goods due to the advent of the cellular phones. Regardless of the carrier of the service, be it Verizon, ATT, Sprint, numerous of these businesses use a cellular device conceived by Motorola. However, the company does much more than just producing multimedia. One area that Motorola is endeavoring to focus its current strategic activities in the area of Semiconductors.

Project Management

A project manager's effectiveness is restricted by the thoroughness, reliability, validity, and honesty of the presentation estimation scheme engaged and in the thoroughness, validity, and steadiness of the estimation baseline used. Is this a factual statement? Why or why not? Justify your reasoning fully. (Cateora 2004)

Yes, a project manager's effectiveness is restricted by the thoroughness, reliability, validity, and honesty of the presentation estimation scheme engaged and in the thoroughness, validity, and steadiness of the estimation baseline used. (Bennis 2006)

A productive project manager is often recounted as having a dream of where to proceed and the proficiency to articulate it. Visionaries flourish on change and being adept to draw new boundaries. It was one time said that a foremost is somebody who "lifts us up, presents us a cause for being and presents the dream and essence to change." Visionary managers endow persons to seem they have a genuine stake in the project. They empower persons to know-how the dream on their own. (Bennis 2006)

One of the most significant things a project manager should recall is that his or her activities, and not phrases, set the modus operandi for the team. Good authority claims firm promise to, and demonstration of, ethical practices. Creating measures for ethical demeanor for oneself and dwelling by these measures, as well as paying those who exemplify these practices, are responsibilities of project managers. (Bennis 2006)

Plain and easy, we don't like managers who are contradictory - they convey us down. We desire managers with eagerness, with a rebound in their step, with a can-do attitude. We desire to accept as factual that we are part of an invigorating excursion - we desire to seem alive. We are inclined to pursue persons with a can-do mind-set, not those who give us 200 causes why certain thing can't be done. (Bennis 2006)

As project management extends to be identified as an area in and of itself, project managers will be selected founded on their proficiency to effectively lead other ones other than on mechanical know-how, as in the past. Having a triumphant pathway record is the surest way to be advised competent. Expertise in authority abilities is another dimension in competence. The proficiency to dispute, motivate, endow, form and boost should be illustrated if managers are to be glimpsed as adept and competent. (Bennis 2006)

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