Business Plan

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Business Plan - Far Horizon

Business Plan - Far Horizon

Business Plan

A business plan is a working document that sets objectives and strategies of a company with the basic requirements, projects and operations for a specific time frame includes all.

Form of Ownership of the Business

The form of the ownership undertaken by the business would be that of sole proprietorship. The business will be run by one individual who would be the sole owner of the entire business.

Starting a new Business

Starting a new business rather than buying into a new business is a better option because of the fact that starting a new business from scratch allows the owner to mould his business as per his strategies. On the other hand, buying into a new business and then shaping it as per the person's idea is a difficult task.

Business Idea

The business idea is ensuring the enrichment of our customer's lives by offering them superior recreational experience through exceptional yacht services, creating an enjoyable and relaxing environment for customers. Moreover, introducing and fostering a love of quality leisure and healthy recreational spot.

Business Research

Far Horizon is a UK based business that specializes in marine leisure market as a supplier. The dishes are based on the customer's tastes. The typical customer is either someone who has come with a friend or relative to enjoy some time together, or someone who wants to have recreational activities. Far Horizon is a unique business opportunity that will allow construction of 4 to 6 berth sea-going sailing yacht, creating a superior recreational experience in the UK.

Additionally, by offering, yachting facilities, Far Horizon will win over customers because of the great deal of flexibility.  Far Horizon will gain a loyal customer base through a customer-centric business model. This business model makes the customer's satisfaction the highest priority. Far Horizon will leverage its competitive advantage of a customer-centric business model to rapidly gain market share in the custom recreational niche.

Product Description

The product is basically a superior recreational and leisure experience of 4-6 berth sea-sailing yacht, offered by Far Horizon. There are varieties of other yacht service offered by Far Horizon for its customers. Apart from pure yacht facility, the Far Horizon also offers its superior and exotic recreational and leisure marine experience for its customers.

Target Market

Target Market consists of teenagers, middle-aged population between 18-40, and families. The target market will be based on people aged from 15 to 60 years and who love the recreational activities, we can prepare a message advertising that attracts those types of buyers to change the traditional concept of recreational activities.


Age: People ranging from 15-60 year are preferably the target market.

Income: Income is a variable factor as the yachting club activities will be kept at low price initially to attract customers.

Family Size: Keeping prices down by selling through memberships to allow families to avail the yachting club facilities.

Gender: It does not differ according to gender basis.

Marketing Plan

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