Business Plan



Healthy Diet Business Plan

Executive Summary

Healthy Diet is dieting software, whose vision is to create the healthy environment for individuals who love to have Indian foods and still wants to maintain their health. The software product will be designed especially for those who like having Indian foods and wants to maintain their physical condition, it will be designed in accordance to the need of the special market focusing their needs and what they require to focus while consumption of Indian foods. The software will be constructive by teaching certain life skills and will be fun to use, encouraging the people to use it as often as possible. The Market Healthy Diet has identified four different market segments which will interested in production of software. Consumers of the software are most likely to be consumed in these segments. The segments are as follows: Centers for Independent Living- The existence and development of these centers are to help people with diet conscious live. The course is usually around four people based primarily on life skills necessary for the order, the successful independent living.

Table of Content

Executive Summaryi


Strategy for SME development Districts3

Proactive Parents3

The Product3

Competitive Edge4


Keys to Success4


Company Summary5

Company Ownership5

Management Plan6

Start-up Summary6

Promotional materials6

Start-up Funding7

Contract-Price Terms8

Preparation and Reporting of Negotiations8

Sales Funnel9

Methods of Managing Complex Sales9

Requirements for Completing the Customer Information Documents9


Market Analysis Summary12

Market Segmentation13

Centers for Independent Living13

School District13

Proactive Parents14


Target Market Segment Strategy14

School District15

Proactive Parents15


Industry Analysis15

Competition and Buying Patterns16

Word Wise16


Strategy and Implementation Summary16

Competitive Edge17

Marketing Strategy17

Sales Strategy18

Sales Forecast18

Financial Plan19

Important Assumptions21

Break-even Analysis21

Pro Forma Profit And Loss22

Pro Forma Balance Sheet22


Healthy Diet Business Plan


Organizations are experiencing a paradigm shift in the development of their information systems: from data to processes. The aim pursued by this is emphasize business processes to achieve architectures more agile and flexible, adaptable the continuous changes that occur in markets in which organizations develop your business. The management goal is to wean business process applications, for any change in the logic Business does not affect the application code. For this purpose, they use the management systems business processes (BPMS). There is no widely accepted definition of a small business. Gore, Murray and Richardson (1992) argue that while it is easy to recognize when you see small business, these companies are difficult to define. Most often, small businesses are defined using objective measures such as turnover, profitability, and the number of employees. These are all measures of size. Some oppose the use of such measures as they may lead to most companies in a sector that is identified as small businesses, while in other areas there will be no small businesses. Therefore, the definitions have been looking for alternatives.

Are small and medium enterprises whose size is defined by the number of employees, balance sheet or turnover does not exceed certain limits, the definitions of these limits vary by country. The European Union defines the category of micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and within these small and micro enterprises.

SME development seems vital to extend the benefits of growth to a greater share of the population, which is why the EU supports the reduction of poverty by promoting capacity building in business and trade...
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