Business Plan

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Business Plan for Potential Acquisition

Business Plan for Potential Acquisition

Executive Summary

Deb Group Ltd. is a leading name of professionals. Its basic aim is to acquire different companies for different purposes. The Deb Group user interface - the Webtop - serves to aggregate legacy systems, online applications, and value-added services into one work environment. The Webtop interface and infrastructure established at partner ISPs enable Deb Group to serve as a distribution network for other application service providers. Deb Group takes advantage of the rapid growth in demand for remote access and the industry trend towards outsourcing IT applications.

Deb Group Ltd. has raised $500,000 from private investors. The funds are being used to launch an initial test market deployment, complete the management team and license key technologies. The company is currently seeking an additional $3.2 million through the issuance of Series A Preferred equity. These funds will be used to support a full-scale product launch within six months from the closure of funding.

Business Model

Deb Group provides remote access services through partnerships with Internet Service Providers (ISP), broadband wholesalers, and other network service providers. Remote access is managed through an Internet based Webtop that aggregates applications from remote office networks and other Internet locations. The primary means of generating revenue is through a per user monthly subscription fee. Premium subscriptions and value added services eventually expand the revenue stream to include transaction and syndication fees.

Customer acquisition is driven by co-marketing and revenue sharing agreements with strategic network service providers. Direct end user marketing (advertising and promotions) will be used to build customer awareness and further solidify the Deb Group brand. Content syndication through partnerships with Internet content providers, service providers, and product manufactures will build a broader customer base.

Market Opportunity

A flexible work environment and an increasingly mobile workforce are driving the demand for remote access to critical business information. Forecasts estimate the mobile workforce in the United States alone will exceed 47 million employees four years from now. To stay competitive, independent professionals and small to medium businesses are rapidly adopting mobile computing devices but lack the technical and economic resources to implement a comprehensive remote access solution.

Professionals are adopting a work style that requires access to office applications from multiple locations. As of last year, approximately 23% of home Internet users brought office work home on nights and weekends while another 17% used the Internet to run a home-based business. The number of telecommuters has shown rapid growth, exceeding 9.7 million this year.

According to Access Media International, small businesses invested $138 billion on information technology and telecommunications products last year. Businesses are seeking technology solutions that leverage a smaller number of employees over a larger market. Increasingly, these companies are outsourcing technology services. (Laermer & Simmons, 2007)


Deb Group provides remote access through a universally accessible Webtop using Virtual Private Networking (VPN) technology to establish a secure connection to the remote target system. The combination of these two technologies eliminates the expense and expertise needed to custom configure a typical remote access ...
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