Business Plan

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Business Plan

[Institute Name]

Business Plan

Executive Summary

This restaurant business plan is for Studio67, a new medium-sized restaurant located in a trendy neighborhood of Portland, Oregon. Studio67's emphasis will be on organic and creative ethnic food. An emphasis on organic ingredients is based on Studio67's dedication to sustainable development. Additionally, the restaurant procures local foods when possible, reducing their dependence on fossil fuels used for transportation.

ServicesStudio67 offers Portlanders a trendy, fun place to have great food in a social environment. Chef Mario Langostino has a large repertoire of ethnic ingredients and recipes. Studio67 forecasts that the majority of purchases will be from the chef's recommendations. Ethnic recipes will be used to provide the customers with a diverse, unusual menu. Chef Mario will also be emphasizing healthy dishes, recognizing the trend within the restaurant industry for the demand for healthy cuisine.

CustomersStudio67 believes that the market can be segmented into four distinct groups that it aims to target. The first group is the lonely rich which number 400,000 people. The second group that will be targeted is young happy customers which are growing at an annual rate of 8% with 150,000 potential customers. The third group is rich hippies who naturally desire organic foods as well as ethnic cuisine. The last group which is particularly interested in the menu's healthy offerings is dieting women which number 350,000 in the Portland area.

Company Description

Studio67 is a single-unit, medium-sized restaurant. We focus on organic and creative food. The restaurant will be located in a prime neighborhood of Portland. Most important to us is our financial success, but we believe this will be achieved by offering high-quality service and extremely clean, non-greasy food with interesting twists.

The Studio67 will promote the store opening. We will have live music and food in the store's parking lot for the opening weekend. The Willow Creek Craft Fair is adjacent to our store and we should have excellent foot traffic for our opening.

We will advertise in the university daily student newspaper as well as the local area advertising flyer. In the advertisements for the market opening, we will have a 20% off coupon for purchases over twenty dollars. We will continue this discount for the first month of operation.

The Studio67 will give back to the community. We will participate in community projects like the area's food bank and community programs for children. The Studio67 will also hosts a number of community events, such as charity pancake brunches, dog washes benefiting local humane societies and benefit barbecues.


Sales of £350K the first year, more than half a million the second.

Personnel costs less than £300K the first year, less than £400K the second year.

Profitable in year two, better than 7.5% profits on sales by year three.


Studio67 is a great place to eat, combining an intriguing atmosphere with excellent, interesting food that is also very good for the people who eat there. We want fair profit for the owners, and a rewarding place to work for the employees.

Company Ownership

The restaurant will start out ...
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