Business Organisation

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Business Organisation & Information Technology Essay

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Business Organisation & Information Technology Essay


As a manager of an unproductive department, there are many challenges that I must try to overcome. The employees of the department or organisation have low moral, work standards and productivity. Additionally, they resist change and have a poor record of innovation. There is a lack of cooperation and collaboration among the employees, which means they cannot work well in teams and lack teamwork skills. These challenges cannot be overcome in a short time, but it is possible to set short term and long term goals.

The managers of today are following the traditional views of leadership that involve planning, organizing, controlling, and leading. This is insufficient for the future, because these traditional views will not reap the benefits an organisation is going to be able to achieve in the future. The leaders lack the ability to empower their subordinates in order to produce results in the highly competitive global marketplace. Many companies are struggling to survive, because they lack proper leadership. The shift in the leadership paradigm will result in a lot of good for organisation (Granger, 2009). I will focus on the coaching approach of leadership and empower the employees. They need to feel that they are an important part of the organisation.


The leadership style I would follow as the manager is the coaching approach. A coach is essential to the development of the team and I will guide my team members. The coaching approach is my choice, because it allows for more communication between members, and empowers the employees. I will act as a guide, someone who the employees can rely on. Team development is an explicit one-to-one learning relationship between people who want to improve job or career skills. It is one of the most essential parts of an organisation that aims to be successful in terms of leadership. In the various aspects of team development, the corporation must ensure that the employees are empowered. This is where the process of team development helps the corporation. Mentors are much more than "go-to" people, because they are the winners of the organisation. They are able to teach others the best practices of the organisation (Walsh, 1995).

Teams regularly perform in complex and dynamic environments, where their responsibilities take them into domains that differ from their exhaustive training or direct experiences. Yet it is often impractical or impossible to cram teams to perform well in every situation that they may encounter. To succeed in dynamic and risky task environments, teams must be prepared to adapt spontaneously to rapidly changing and unpredictable conditions (Heany, 2007).

It offered the concept of shared or team mental models among team members as a means to explain the orchestration or teamwork and coordinated performance among team members. Team mental models are knowledge structures held by team members that enable them to form explanations, expectations, and predictions of tasks, member roles, and coordination ...
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