Business Management

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Business Management

Business management


There are two perspectives when defining management, one relates to management of resources in order to attain organizational aims, while the other definition of management relates to the attainment of organization objectives by managing people. In other words, people are considered the essential resource in the theory of management. In this essay I am going to present a hypothetical organization and the manager in this organization would be put in to a situation where he must opinionate as to the effectiveness of the two perspectives.

Being interrelated the two perspectives are, both have one thing in common and that is the attainment of organizational goals and objectives. Let us consider a firm in services sector. The intangibility of services in mind, the service delivery becomes highly significant. In lieu, the input factors also become all the more important. In the service sector, the major input contributors are the workers, the employees, the staff, the board and other internal customers of the organization. All of them take part in the delivery of adequate, timely and effective service to the client.

In this stance the functions and responsibility of the manager is twofold. Managing with the intangibility factor of the service and taking care of the quality and conformity, and secondly managing the attitudes of the people towards their job, thereby creating a culture of worth and value. When Robbins said that management is defined as the functions of four that is planning, organizing, leading and controlling, he is very right. In fact it's the people that plan, it's the people that organize, people lead and people control. Things like systems and processes needs not to be managed when the basic and foundation is managed. And that base and foundation is people that are the human resource.

Managers will approach techniques consistent with their experience, intuition, judgment and beliefs. The Greeks recognized management as a separate art. A manager is not just somebody in control of others; it is a responsibility just as all employees have a responsibility. The company I work for, Shore Total Office, is disorganized and the management is under qualified. The management at Shore struggles to achieve goals with minimal experience and resources. The use of management functions should be improved and managers fail to see that the company can expand and benefit from technology improvements. Their focus remains on expenses and not the profitable outcome. The ...
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