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If you want your employees to perform at soaring levels, you must create high levels of job satisfaction'. Discuss

If you want your employees to perform at soaring levels, you must create high levels of job satisfaction'. Discuss


Job satisfaction aids in identifying the degree of contentment that an individual has with its job. Job satisfaction is an employee or an incumbent's definition of sense of achievement along with the definition of success. Job satisfaction is termed as an individual's state of mind as well as the perception and the feelings associated with the nature of the work. Job Satisfaction is impacted by numerous factors, and few of them are the degree of quality relationship that exists amidst the employee and the boss, the quality of the tangible environment, degree of job security etc. The Harvard group of professionals conducted a study in 1998 which stated that job satisfaction is a vital ingredient that eventually leads to higher recognition, increments along with accomplishment of goals in an effective and efficient manner. All this will inevitably lead to a feeling of self actualization along with other factors being fulfilled. Job Satisfaction cannot be linked with motivation or the concept of aptitude however; the two factors do have an impact on Job satisfaction itself (Cranny, 1992).

The process of Job Design which also constitutes job rotation, job re-engineering as well as job enrichment is aimed at boosting the satisfaction level. Higher satisfaction level will eventually lead to impressive performance level. Other factors, which can have, an impact or can have an influence on the level of job satisfaction is the management style that a supervisor has, the degree of empowerment and the autonomous designation that is allotted.

Job Satisfaction is said to be very vital attribute, which is rarely, prioritized by organizations. Organizations, in order to have an effective work force need keep a check on the level of satisfaction that a job incumbent has with his job. Although job satisfaction is intangible by nature, but it can be measured. The level of job satisfaction can be measured through rating scales via which employees report their reactions to the different activities that are constituted in the job. The reporting of behavior can be done via questionnaires. Questions can be related to pay rates, set of responsibilities that the job entails, the numerous of tasks undertaken, opportunities of promotion, colleagues and subordinates and work related aspects. However, there is a concern that questionnaire might reveal the incumbents name, and it might put the job at stake. But, organizations should ensure that either the questionnaires are kept confidential, or anonymity is should be maintained (Arthur, 1998).

Importance of Work and Organization

Putting higher levels of hard work, efforts and dedication on the job requires a higher level of self-esteem and dedication. Job responsibilities tend to lower one's self-worth and tend to induce anxiety of higher levels. Similarly, routine-oriented jobs or monotonous jobs tend to wear off an individual's level of initiation, enthusiasm and eventually lead to ...
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