Building Assurance Argument

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Building Assurance Argument

Building Assurance Argument

Part I

Reusability implies the use of composition techniques during software development, which is achieved by initially selecting reusable components and assembling them or by adapting the software to a point where it is possible to pick out components from a library.

In general, this life cycle model supports the requirement to build the AD4 system based on components and to reuse components from D3. However, since D3 was developed within another R&D project, the system components have not been fully packaged as to be easily reused in future similar applications. This implies performing additional activities related to the completion and the preparation of these components for usage in AD4. Moreover, this has to be aligned with the scope and the effort planned for the AD4 project, i.e. it requires decision making for each D3 component to be included in AD4.

Another problem is that the AD4 system is foreseen to be integrated in different platforms. Additionally, specific security aspects have to be considered and implemented in it. Since both, the platforms and the definition of the security aspects to be addressed in AD4 are a subject to investigate, the life cycle should provide the necessary flexibility with respect to changing requirements. This is not that easy in the component-based life cycle due to the extent of rework related to completing the components. (Vonder and Leus 2005)

The agile methodologies provide features like iterativity, team collaboration and learning from experience. These methods are also suitable for developing products which requirements are rather in a process of investigation. However, the agile methods are not quite appropriate when the product development is carried out by teams distributed in several countries, with different types of expertise and different levels of experience with the technologies to be used. Therefore, only some of ...
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