Our city is a midsized city of 75,000 residents. It is experiencing moderate rates of growth of between 3 and 5 percent per year, and its tax base is 60 percent residential or vacant land zoned residential, 30 percent commercial, and 10 percent industrial. One member of our city council perceives that crime in the downtown area is rising too rapidly, which is adversely affecting retail sales in this area of the city. However, data from our department do not support the council member's perception. The crime is lower in the downtown area than in other parts of the city.
The Department's budget includes increased funding for national security and intelligence, combat financial fraud, hiring additional police officers, compliance with civil rights, protection of our nation's borders, and programs of federal detention and incarceration. The budget supports this vital work by investing in our critical mission of law enforcement, including protecting the citizens of the United States against terrorism, combating financial fraud and the mortgage, putting more police on the street, strengthen enforcement of civil rights, and provide necessary resources for our prisons.
Provides 8 billion dollars for the Federal Bureau of Investigation [Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)], including 425 million in improvements, and $ 88 million for the Division of Safety National address the highest priority of the Attorney General of the United States - protecting our citizens against terrorist acts. The funds support the detection and dismantling of terrorist, counterintelligence, cyber security and other threats to our national security. Provides resources for additional FBI agents to investigate mortgage fraud and corporate crime and that federal prosecutors, civil litigants and lawyer's bankruptcy protection to investors, market integrity and investment of resources by the federal government in the country's financial recovery (Kellough, 2007).