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Buddhism And Music

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Buddhism and Music


The mankind is born with freewill by nature. This freewill enables a person to make up his/her own choices, which are free from constraint, from any other pressure or force. However, this free will can be taken in two senses. First, a freewill to choose a life of a person's own refined taste. This may encompass his choice of living, his selection of activities, his choice of earning his living and much more. Secondly, although a man is born with freewill, yet the extensive norms, values and standards existing in the society, restricts his choice of spending the life with a free will. Amongst other factors, which narrow down, a man's living in accordance with a freewill is the religion.

Freewill plays a major role in religion, as well. First, a man has the liberty to exercise his free will in the choosing the religion, via which he wants to spend the rest of his life with, as he grows up. Secondly, even the religion of his choice restricts his freewill, but in a positive way. A religion guides a human being to spend his life in the appropriate manner, restricting him to prone to numerous unethical activities and sins. A religion teaches a person those basic norms of spending a valuable life that cannot be told by any societal values and norms.

There are numerous religions that exist today in the world, which all have at least one thing common in them. They all guide their respective followers to abstain from sins, adopt appropriate practices and spread happiness. Amongst these religions, which exist in the world, is one of he most ancient religion, known as “Buddhism”.

Types of Religion

One's mind is coerced to think that at what point the debate of religion commenced in this world. How many civilizations emerge when humanity thought of worshipping the creator of the world and following his commands to lead a perfect life in this lifetime? History states that the worshipping of the creator began as soon as the first man was born on this earth. Adam's believed in a sole creator, who not only created him, but also created this universe. Individuals belonging to Islamic, deem Adam to have worshipped and followed the commands of their God, “Allah”.

However, as the population of the world increased, the civilizations emerged, population started to get divided into societies and numerous other regions, people's faith also started to divide and disperse. Now, the world today, endures individuals and societies embracing numerous religions. For instance, most of the western block follows Christianity. The Middle East, parts of Africa and Asia are believed to inhabit individuals from Muslim faith. East Asain countries are known for following Budhism. Numerous other religions also exist in the world, but Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are believed to be the most ancient and still existing religions of the world (Hanh, p.110).


Christianity and Islam are believed to have emerged before the origin of Buddhism, in this world. Buddhism, after the two religions of the world that ...
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