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Since the beginning of time, people have looked to something beyond themselves for answers about life and the world around them. Early humans believed there must be some power, greater than them, controlling the things they could not understand, control or explain. From these beliefs came the development of religions, and the many gods and deities that accompany them. Today, religion provides us with spiritual guidance, directs us in moral matters and how to conduct ourselves, and helps us to prepare for what happens after death. One such religious practice is Buddhism.

Buddhism, The word conjures up thoughts of chanting monks in orange robes, smoky temples filled with incense, and golden statues in flower filled gardens. To the unfamiliar, Buddhism is a mysterious religion, full of strange practices and rituals. Most people in this country know only what they have seen in the movies and on television. While there are many differences between Buddhism and religions that are more familiar to westerners, such as Catholicism, Buddhism is a beautiful, complex, and fascinating ancient religion. In order to understand the origin and existence of religion, we shall understand and comprehend the accounts of Buddhism in a holistic context. From its Indian context, Buddhism spread worldwide for over 2,500 years through trade, royal patronage, migration, scholarly study, and travel. Currently, world's 6 percent population identify themselves as Buddhist, with Mahayana the largest tradition. Besides Mahayana Buddhism, the other main schools are Theravada and Vajrayana. However, Vajrayana also is regarded as a form of Mahayana Buddhism and is said to provide a faster path to Buddhahood or enlightenment (Willard, 1970, pp. 75).


Siddharta Guatama, also known as Shakyamuni Buddha, founded Buddhism in Nepal. Born as a prince, he lived a wealthy, protected life for many years. After seeing four sights that shook his beliefs, an ill person, an old age person, a corpse and an ascetic practitioner. Guatama gave up his princely life and lived as an ascetic for many years seeking the answers to why there was suffering in the world, and how to become enlightened.

After years of living his simple ascetic life and not reaching the enlightenment he sought, Gautama gave up the life he was living, and rested under a Bodhi tree. He remained seated under the tree meditating until he reached enlightenment. Daisaku Ikeda, Spiritual Leader of Soka Gakkai International, practitioners of Nichiren Buddhism, wrote in his 1996 essay about Shakyamuni (Buddha),

Consequently, Shakyamuni attained an intense initiation and he finally became a Buddha of supreme truth. He then realized and started acting according to the Law of life. After reaching the state of enlightenment, Shakyamuni Buddha went out to teach what he had learned to others. His teachings of this path to enlightenment became known as Buddhism.

Foundations Of Buddhism

According to Rupert Gethin, Buddhism has many different branches. Theravada, Zen, Yogacara, Vajrayana, and Mahayana are just a few of the different forms or traditions Buddhism has taken over the centuries. Buddhism also varies from one geographical location to ...
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