British Petroleum Case Study

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British Petroleum Case Study

British Petroleum Case Study

April 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is being characterized as the largest spill that occurred in U.S. history. As efforts to contain the spill present procedure, the probability scale cleanup costs and damages to third parties has led to congressional review of the cleaning and clearing damage, as well as facilitate future oil impact prevention, response and recovery. A key element is the role of insurance to ensure that the costs of spills can be funded, while at the same time allowing the continuity of effective and responsible exploration and production of offshore energy and the protection of economic interests related (Washburn, 20).

Engineering as social experimentation

There are many ethical issues surrounding this disaster, the ethical issues explored will be responsible for the deaths due to explosion Deepwater Horizon, which is cleaned of oil, which is obliged to compensate the people whose livelihoods has been compromised. It also shows the manner of their approach they are taking all precautions with this plan is something that really deserve recognition for what little use when they do they fail to implement something correctly. Relief wells are the simple answer, but not the complete answer. BP has not denied that there is likely to damage the pipe lines in deep water horizon and 1,000 down. Because of this possibility with very high blood pressure being treated, well covered by traditional media is not only dangerous, but almost certainly not. Under normal circumstances, a well is capped at the top and that is the end of the problem, but this is far from normal circumstances.

Relief wells are used to contain oil and explosions. Usually this is something you do on earth, so working under water raises some additional challenges, but it is something that has never been done before so it is reasonable in the area. Relief and is designed to revive the pressure as the name suggests reducing the exhaust outlet of the main well. In the case of this particular, and BP, relief wells will need to be drilled at an angle that intersects the principal and about 18,000 or so feet below sea level. Such aid is all that is really needed, but BP is drilling two just in case something goes wrong so you do not end up paying a high price for unforeseen delays or in case of a hole collapse. While this is being done, superior spill containment remains the mission to try to minimize the damage until one of the reliefs is complete. It may sound simple, but considering that it is necessary to find a 7-inch tube at 18,000 feet, easy is not part of the equation. Once the relief is that the original pipe and the next step is to pump heavy drilling mud. The purpose of this is causing downward pressure on the clay that will hopefully enough to offset the upward pressure of the exhaust gases and ...
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