British Empire

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British Empire

British Empire

The technique used for learning and teaching in British Empire-1 is called visual representation. The key to any successful chart or map is to unravel the crux of a complex story and turn it into a compelling visual picture. These can represent a landscape, a high street, an airport or a kitchen. All around the imagery are clues and information that audiences can pore over and study. Some maps require a facilitator to help them through the intellectual journey, but the best ones are self-explanatory. The delegates simply follow a list of instructions and work as a team to tease out the information. Typically they run for an hour - often as part of a conference. Because they use visual representation as well as words they work for a wider range of NLP types. Some people prefer to read about facts, others want a visual representation. And since they have to interrogate each other they engage in a learning style that goes back to Socrates and Plato.

Such board games are not easy to create. Before any artist gets going on drawing you an Olympic stadium or shark-infested coral reef you need to have done your homework on what exactly the messages are and how best to convey them. This requires the skills of a learning professional and possibly even a business psychologist. As anyone who has played a popular board game knows - behind the fun there has been some deep thinking about how human beings tackle problems and learn. So before the artist starts sharpening their pencils there is a substantial amount of research and development required to identify the real issues and create a learning metaphor.

That's why these clever products are best left to the specialised agencies. BigPicture Learning specialise in what they call learning tools, Root Learning have the trademark on Learning Map brand visual representations and Celemi create some neat business simulations. Cognac is the new kid on the block with their big picture methodology. They will put together a team to scope the issue, decide on the visual vehicle and then develop the picture and the questions and guide that go with them. This can be an fairly lengthy process, particularly if you want your board game to work around the globe. Researchers might need to be dispatched to the farthest-flung edges of your company in order to get a true picture of what's going on in a market or operation. On the other hand if your learning is a generic one - such as financial literacy or customer service, then much of the hard-thinking will have been done already and the agency can adapt an existing business simulation to your needs.

In the country under his dominion the khalifa's government was carried on after the manner of other Mahommedan states, but pilgrimages to the Mahdis tomb at Omdurman were substituted for pilgrimages to Mecca. The arsenal and dockyard and the printing press at Khartoum were kept busy (the workmen being Egyptians who ...
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