British Airways

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British Airways Change Management

British Airways Change Management


British Airways plc (pronounced British Airways, LSE: BAY, NYSE: BAB) - the largest airline and flag carrier of the United Kingdom, one of the largest in Europe. Major interchange hubs are Heathrow and Gatwick. British Airways has a license of type A, that is, has the right to carry passengers, cargo and mail on aircraft with 20 or more passenger seats [1]. British Airways - member airline alliance Oneworld. April 8 2010 British Airways announced a merger with Iberia Group in International Airways Group. While a large number of small British airlines have also started their activities. In 1935, they merged to form the largest private airline "British Airways Ltd”. According to the decision of the Government, "Imperial Airways" and "British Airways Ltd" was nationalized in 1939 and formed a new company - "British Overseas Airways Corporation" (BOAC). Postwar BOAC continued to provide transportation for long-haul routes, but South American directions (the directions provided "British South American Airways”, which merged with BOAC in 1949). Continental European and domestic flights served by the new nationalized airline, "British European Airways' (BEA), which won the routes of existing UK independent airlines.

British Airways encourages an innovative climate where creativity is rewarded; for example, a high-profile award ceremony is run to recognize the ideas put forward by line management level. They cleverly link their meaning for existence into this sentence 'British Airways is all about bringing people together and taking them wherever they want to go. This applies as much to our workers as the 36 million persons who journey with us every year'. Management is highly trained so that they have a positive influence on the organization's orientation towards creativity and innovation through a balanced profile of cognitive styles. The cause national, cultural components are a challenge to global marketers is that they are concealed from view.

Information technology

Today is the era of competition and technological obsolescence; hence the complacent companies are destroyed like they never existed. The practices which were considered best for business no longer exist. Every organization is striving to retain their existing customers and planning to attract the new. This can be made possible by offering them better value than the competitor. An organization can only provide better value if the organization is financially stable and skilled to utilize its resources optimally. Strategic capability is an organization's tendency to optimally utilize the available resources in order to maximize the competencies necessary for survival and prosperity of the organization. These resources can be technological resources, financial resources, human resources or knowledge and expertise (Houston 2004, 198).

Strategic capability model is the most effective way to evaluate an organization because when a company utilizes its available resources fully, it becomes competent enough to provide the unmatchable values to its existing and potential customer. Through this practice, an organization overcomes its competitors is achieving a competitive advantage over them. An organization can have different competitive advantages depending upon the nature of the business or the target ...
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