Britain Arms Export

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Britain Arms Export

Britain Involvement in Arms Export

Britain Involvement in Arms Export


The arms trade took place in relative obscurity until the late-seventh century. Disarmament efforts had concentrated on nuclear arms; the traditional weapons had never deserved the same attention and international trade of such weapons received only small interest. Almost all of those 140 have conflicts, having the weapons delivered. Throughout the 50's and early 60's, European countries had a substantial capacity in the export of weapons, with the possible exception in Britain, others had no domestic production capacity sufficient even to meet their own needs weapons.

Arms control is a coordinated set of actions based on agreements political or legal order to limit, reduce, regulate or prohibit categories of weapons or methods of warfare. Arms control can be divided into two categories: disarmament or arms control in the strict sense (Emma, 2005, pp. 62-83).


The UK also exported weapons to Pakistan, Jordan and Israel, whose army participates daily in the genocide of the Palestinian population, especially in Gaza, where dozens of Arabs were killed. Meanwhile, Oxfam expressed particular concern over the lack of proper control over the sale of military equipment under the guise of so-called war against terrorism. In this regard, refers to increased licensing of arms exports to countries like the Philippines where the government is faced with insurgent forces. In 2002, the authorizations for the arms trade to the Asian state stood at $ 450,000, while a year later that figure had risen to seven million 200 thousand dollars (Paul, 2001, pp. 76).

Exports are considered essential for increasing trends lower production and thus the cost in domestic acquisitions to improve the balance of payments, to offset costs of research and development and future scope in research and development. Thus, while the production of weapons is justified primarily on political grounds and Security, Third World producers exported mainly economic reasons. Due to lower unit prices - obtained by the low cost of labour are, above all, other Third World countries who buy these weapons. At this level, the political preferences are significantly less importance. Britain exported more than a thousand arms $ 800 million, especially the U.S., Asia and the Middle East, amid protests from peace advocacy groups and civil rights stands the London press.

One person dies every minute as a result of violence by the use of arms. Until then, you get Prime Minister Tony Blair, asked Justin Forsyth, policy director of Oxfam. Forsyth said that the government only cares about getting the money from sales of military equipment and little cares that the world is in flames, with constant wars and global conflicts.

In this sense, the groups of civil rights as the Campaign "Arms control ", drew attention to the increase in export quotas to states where the situation is dangerous, and hundreds of people die every week. Analysts note that while Washington and London mounted military campaigns to seize weapons allegedly, as in Iraq, are among the largest exporters of war equipment in the ...
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