Briefing Paper: American Troops Invasion In Iraq (23/03/2003)

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Briefing Paper: American Troops Invasion in Iraq (23/03/2003)

Briefing Paper

TO:Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs

FROM:Mr. XYZ, Senior Policy Expert in the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs, Washington Embassy


SUBJECT: American Troops Invasion in Iraq (23/03/2003)


Iraq war, also known as the Gulf War or the liberation of Iraq is a war started on March 23rd 2003 till date; where a massive invasion of Iraq took place by multinational forces led by the United States of America and the United Kingdom. War in Iraq is the center of Australian foreign policy, since the Iraq invasion began in 2002; I believe that issue of Iraq war is key component in defining the relationship of Australia with other countries. Initially Howard Government supported disarmament of Iraq during its crisis, Later on Australia provided it's assistance to United States, which impacted our foreign policy, and raised question during 2003 invasion of Iraq. The deployment of combat forces cost a heavy amount of cost to Australia, but it also improved relations with United States. I believe it was important to assist United States in their operations, because better relation with United States could help Australia in prospering their economic activity.

Reason for the US actions

U.S. invasion of Iraq describes the military operations that took place in Iraq in 2003, leading to the occupation of Iraq by the United States of America, using military. The invasion of Iraq began on March 20th 2003 by a coalition led by the United States which was very different from other coalitions. 98% of this coalition accounted for the participation by the U.S. and the British forces. On June 30th 2009, the withdrawal of all U.S. Army combat units outside the capital was completed in Baghdad, with the obligation to provide support and backing of the Iraqi forces, the center of ceremonial and wide and fears, at the same time.

Immediately after the bombing of two buildings of the “Twin Towers” on 9 September 2001, some of the employees in the administration of Saddam Hussein with Osama bin Laden as responsible were accused for the incident accused some of the employees in the administration of Saddam Hussein. The representatives of France and Russia explained that the phrase "serious consequences" does not include the use of violence, as approved by the representatives of the United States and United Kingdom. This invasion took place followed by the claim of the United States, Britain and Spain that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and poses a threat to the security forces of its allies. This resulted in turmoil in the death of more than 5,000 of the population of civilians in 2007, and the number of refugees, 4.7 million Iraqis (about 16% of the population of Iraq) in April 2008.

Assessment of Action

Many opposed the campaign of invasion Iraq, 2003 to their opinion being contrary to international laws. Such as the military campaign began to try to the United States and the United Kingdom access to international legislation of the military campaign through the United Nations, but ...
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