Briefing Of The Country Serbia

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Briefing of the country Serbia


Serbia is a non-coastal country situated at the junctions of Central and Southeast Europe, casing the southern division of the Pannonian Plain and the inner part of the Balkans. Serbia borders Hungary is located at north; the nation of Macedonia is on south; Romania and Bulgaria are on east; Bosnia and Croatia, Herzegovina, and Montenegro are located on the west side. Moreover, it limits Albania through Kosovoand this part of Serbia is opposed. Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, is amid the biggest cities in East-Central Europe. In Sixteen century, the whole country of Serbia was captured by the Ottoman Empire, at times sporadic by the Habsburgs. In early part of 19th century, the Serbian uprising re-established the nation as a region's first legitimate monarchy, which afterwards extended its territory and lead the way to elimination of feudalism in Balkans (Bullmore, 2006).

In 1918, the earlier Habsburg crown land of Vojvodina combined with the Kingdom of Serbia. In the World War I, Serbia shaped Yugoslavia which survived in numerous forms up until 2006, when the country regained its sovereignty. In the month of February, 2008, the assembly of UNMIK-administered Kosovo, Serbia's southern province, stated independence, with varied responses from global governments (Bullmore, 2006).

National Purpose

Serbia counts in the largest religiously diverse countries of Europe, with an Eastern tradition majority, and Islamic and Catholic minority, among other lesser confessions. While formation of the nation-state and disorderly history of nineteen and twentieth century has left its marks on the religious landscape of the country; as in the year 2002, Vojvodina was 68.97 percent, Orthodox, 3.55% Protestant and 19.11% Catholic while Central Belgrade and Serbia sections were over 90percent Orthodox Christian. Kosovo mainly consists on 89* percent Albanian Muslim in majority. From number of centuries it crossways the boundaries between West and East and had been separated among: the Western and Eastern halves of the Empire of Roman; then between realm of Hungary, Frankish Kingdom, Bulgarian Empire, and Byzantium; and after that in the Ottoman kingdom, the Austrian Empire and Austria-Hungary, as Venice in the south. These partly cover influences have ensued in cultural diversities all through Serbia and the Serbian-inhabited regions (Proffitt, 2012).

Currently, the government has taken majors to increase efforts in addressing human rights, though number of problems still remains untouched from previous years. Members of the police forces often assign human rights violations with freedom. This is odd to see that random arresting and detention is taken place in Serbia as well as violence towards mistreatment of suspects and prisoners have no fear of retaliation.Threatens are always given to Journalists if they print contrary information. The worst part, that the human right o9rganization is also mistreated by the command of the government (Proffitt, 2012).


Serbia has the greater ideological prospectus and responsibility of intellectuals in a mainly drastic way. The Serbian ideology claims to the land of current time Bosnia Croatia, and Montenegro , Herzegovina, and Macedonia. The aspiration of the Serbian's includes territories of Bulgaria, Albania, Romania and ...