Brecon Beakons

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Critical Analysis of Brecon Beacons Marketing Strategy

Critical Analysis of Brecon Beacons Marketing Strategy


The purpose of this paper is to discuss and explore the marketing strategies of Brecon Beacons and its impact on the hospotality industry. This paper aims to analyze the marketing strategies implemented by Brecon Beacons and interprete its effectiveness in terms of marketing management. The complexity of tourism and tourist needs of world population influence the change of tourist request. Requests for new and specific forms of tourism are characteristics of the development of this activity in the beginning of the 21st century. New forms of tourism is more and more requested in the tourist market. It gives a chance for various areas to be included equally with their tourist offer if they have certain potentials and adequate personnel that could include those potentials on the tourist market.

The term “versatile tourism and hospitality” has been accepted by many countries, and as such, it refers to all tourist activities in various areas. Special forms of tourism could be tourism on homestead, hunting, fishing, ecotourism, health, recreational, residence (houses for vacation), educational, adventurous, transit, camping tourism, continental nautical tourism, gastronomical and ethno gastronomical, tourism of protected parts of nature, cultural tourism, religious, other specific forms.

Tourism is crucial segment of European tourism. Having in mind distinct economical and other functions of tourism, also various high value potentials, the possibility and appropriate significance have been given to the development of this kind of tourism and its economical politics. Besides that, with the strategy of the development of tourism, selective approach has been determined, and by doing that tourism has been treated as primary, one within those kinds of tourism which are connected to particular interests. From the side, the development of tourism and hospitality can play an important role in increasing the variety of tourist offer in a country and formation of one richer and picturesque image of the country. From the other side, tourism should not be limited to any particular destination but, it should be extended to a complete understanding of cultural lifestyle of people of the host country.

Discussion and Analysis

Tools used for Analysis

There are several tools that can be used measure the effectiveness of the marketing strategies imposed by an organization. Nevertheless, several tools reveal the results enlighten the short term effectiveness of the implemented strategies. The tools used in this study reveal the long term effectiveness of the strategies implemented by Brecon Beacons. Therefore, the tools used in this strategy can be considered as valid and reliable while measuring the effectiveness of the corporate strategies.

Strategic Capability Analysis

Today is the era of competition and technological obsolescence; hence the complacent companies are destroyed like they never existed. The practices which were considered best for business no longer exist. Every organization is striving to retain their existing customers and planning to attract the new. This can be made possible by offering them better value than the competitor. An organization can only provide better value if the organization is financially stable and skilled to utilize its resources optimally. Strategic capability is an organization's tendency to optimally utilize the available resources in order to maximize the competences necessary for survival and prosperity of the organization (Hekansson, Waluszewski, 2002, 99).

These resources can be technological resources, financial resources, human resources or ...