Breastfeeding In Public

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Breastfeeding in Public

If you live among humans without the rabid curiosity about the nursing mother, provided that you are feeding the baby on the very people who are not shy, then change their behavior you do not need anything. Unfortunately, most nursing mother is not so easy to lay bare his chest in a public place where you cannot hide from the all-seeing eye of passersby. There are those mothers, as well, for whom the fact of feeding in a public place seems generally acceptable. It is unfortunate that our society has formed the wrong attitude to breastfeeding. The very process of feeding, many find it is very intimate and unacceptable to the people. But this is just persuading people who do not understand the essence of nursing. If you do not want to go home with the baby screaming with hunger - let us together try to adjust to breastfeeding in the street (Jordan, Tim, et al, p. 233).

In many countries around the world, women breastfeed their children anywhere they will to, without willing to pay the slightest attention towards the people in the surroundings. In Western countries, it is still often frowned on breastfeeding in public. If some people have positive reactions, while others are embarrassed and do not know where to focus the eyes of others, who fortunately much rarer, feel disgusting the spectacle of a mother breastfeeding her child, and do not hesitate to let her know in words that can be very aggressive. As a result, many mothers are reluctant either to breastfeed in public, either by taking out their babies. It is remarkable that in some countries, it is necessary to pass laws to guarantee a right that would seem self-evident, however: that of a mother to feed her child when needed (Jordan, Tim, et al, p. 233). On the other hand, many advertisements showing women nursing offer the spectacle of a naked chest significantly. What does this mean? That breastfeeding is seen as an erotic behavior (and therefore unthinkable in public)? If, in some cultures, the sight of female breasts has no more erotic than the sight of the face to us, not any sensible woman would venture to bare his chest to nurse her baby in the French hypermarket where it is doing her shopping. And accustomed to all mothers breastfeed in public know that it is entirely possible to do without the breast is visible, even without anyone realizes that the child is in, except attention. Facilitator training in our group was on holiday in Portugal. She was nursing around (discreetly) her 8 month old. All men clearly understood that Portuguese was the baby seemed to find perfectly normal thing, and did not want the baby to be disturbed (Wolf, p. 11).

In a recent article, Michael Segell, father of 5 children (breastfed), talks about his feelings vis-à-vis breastfeeding in public. He says he loves seeing a woman breastfeed. Partly because of the feeling of beauty and peace generated by such a ...
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