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The 1995 Hollywood film Braveheart has been called a visual masterpiece, and for good reason. It won multiple awards as well as portray the Scottish freedom fighter William Wallace in a breathtaking manner, with the help of famous Hollywood star Mel Gibson. In this paper, I will be analyzing the historically accurate as well as inaccurate parts of the movie that have been debated upon for years, and have led to the popularity of the movie not just as a Hollywood masterpiece, but as an emotionally and patriotically charged film.


While most movies, before they even begin, put out a disclaimer saying that any similarities to people or situations in the movie are coincidental, Braveheart was actually based around the real life story of Scottish freedom fighter William Wallace and the wars of independence that took place among Scotland and England .There are also a few other elements that seem to correspond with real history, but the list of inaccuracies is much longer, hence the accuracies are not considered as significant in debates about the movie. There are many small associations to the sets, dressing or environment of the movie that could contribute as accuracy, but there is nothing of import that could be used as one of the biggest accuracies in the movie. However, the historical inaccuracies don't mean that the movie somehow loses its value, as it is still one of he most successful and awe-inspiring masterpieces and for film students especially, is recommended as it is a good enough portrayal of William Wallace's life.

An inaccuracy that seems to bother history buffs most of all about Braveheart is t he Wallace's origins have been wrongly dictated. Although it is true that the actors and writers were told to base their opinions and methods relating to the earlier behavior of Wallace,such as his childhood and pre-adult and pre-military life, there are some jarring inaccuracies such as the young Wallace. Historians believe that Wallace was actually born into aristocracy and went on to become a knight by the time the battle of Stirling took place. But in the movie, young Wallace seems to belong to a poor family of farmers, and is raised by his uncle after his father is murdered while fighting the English. Although it is true that little is known of the pre-military era of Wallace, several historians were adamant on this fact and were sorely affected by young Wallace's portrayal in the movie. Apart from this, Wallace's wife's name was not, infact, Murron, . It is said that Mel Gibson changed the name in the pre production processes to Marian so that audiences wouldn't confuse Marion as the character from Robin Hood.

Apart from this, serious historians remarked that kilts were not introduced among the Scots till the 17th century, and the movies portrayal of most Scottish men wearing kilts throughout the movie is entirely inaccurate, since Wallace's history dates back to the 13th Century. English soldiers in the movie are frequently shown wearing costumes and uniforms ...
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