Borderline Personality Disorder

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How Abusive/Negligent Parents and Those with Diagnosed BPD Influence Their Children's' Risk Of Developing BPD Themselves

How Abusive/Negligent Parents and Those with Diagnosed BPD Influence Their Children's' Risk Of Developing BPD Themselves


It is the basic and privilege right of an individual to enjoy each and every pleasure that the life offers to us in this world. In order to enjoy each and every pleasure and the blessings it is imperative for an individual to be in the proper state of the health, fitness and mental well being. Inappropriate health and mental well being of an individual not only affects the personal life but it also causes its impact on those who are surrounded by an individual such as family, friends and relatives. In order to live a happy and contended life it is imperative that an individual should be in the balanced psychological state. Any abnormality or disorder in the psychological state of an individual can affect the life of those individuals as well as of those who are associated with them. The aim and objective of this paper is to talk about one such psychological aspect and its impact. This paper would talk about the presence of a particular psychological disorder in parents and the likelihood to occur the same disorder in their children. The disorder that this paper intends to talk about is borderline personality disorder. The topic of this paper is how abusive/negligent parents and those with diagnosed borderline personality disorder influence their children's' risk of developing borderline personality disorder themselves. The paper aims to talk about this subject from the angle of biosocial theory. To fulfill the purpose of this assignment five different articles are selected and a literature review is done. On the basis of the review of the literature a discussion is presented in the later part of the paper about the subject. The last part of the paper discusses the practical implications of all the important points that the review of the literature highlights.

Definition of Terms

There are various terms and concepts are used in this paper. before embarking on the discussion part of the paper it is important to disclose or review the meaning or general description of the terms that are used in this paper.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder is a personality disorder in which a person has inflexible patterns of behavior which causes impairment socially, personally or occupationally and also causes the person significant distress. Emotional instability, wide mood swings, self injurious behavior, impulsivity, intense anger, relationship instability, identity disturbance and inappropriate behavior all of these are the characteristics of a person with Borderline personality disorder. This specific disorder has been denounced historically by the professionals in mental health. Those with disorder are most of the time considered by the professionals as hopeless, difficult to treat and manipulative. People with having this disorder require long term therapy and often have difficult relationship with the therapist.

Biosocial Theory

Biosocial theory recognizes that because behavior is the continuous, mutual, and ...
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