Book Review On Race Matters By Cornell West

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Book Review on Race Matters by Cornell West

Cornel West easily illustrates the idea of discrimination in America through the explanations of white supremacy. For Example, “This vicious ideology and practice of white supremacy has left its indelible mark on all spheres of American life- from the prevailing crimes of Amerindian reservations to the discriminatory realties against Spanish-speaking Latinos to racial stereotypes against Asians.” White supremacy has held racial progress back from not only African Americans, but from all people of color. All people of color are feeling the inequalities that white supremacy compel onto other races. In addition, “No other people have been taught systematically to hate themselves.” White supremacy has taught the African American race to hate who they are as a people. The problem of interracial hate has slowly but surely started to tear the African American race apart. Furthermore, “Yet the legacy of white supremacy lingers- often in the face of the very denials of its realities.” The main people who deny the existence of white supremacy are the people who are under its aptitude. The power of white supremacy is still alive and strong in America. (West: 205)

Cornell West openly illustrates the idea of discrimination through his explanations about the market culture. For Example, “But for a hated and haunted people, whose prize possessions have been subversive memory, personal integrity, and self respect to become captive to historical amnesia, materialistic obsessions, and personal accommodation for acceptance at any costs yields black nihilism and collective suicide.” The African American people as a whole have become so caught up in making quick money they have forgotten about their past and their own self-respect. African Americans have slowly lost a hold of the important things in life.

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