Book Review

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Book Review

Book Review


Many researches and different books have been written to educate people about their social responsibilities while living in a society. The sociologists along with several other writers have addressed different social issues in a society in the light of the different theories, researches and practices. Over the years sociology has become a very important subject that need to be taught in not only colleges and universities but also to other members of the society through different social interaction processes. The book that will be reviewed is the ``Social Stratification and Inequality``. As the name suggest the book is describing about the division of society and the inequality created by doing the social stratification of the society. The writer has written many versions of the book by enhancing his work each time. The critical analysis of the book will make it easy to decide whether people should buy and read this book or not. The critical analysis will point out the strengths and reason of its popularity; it will also identify the weak points of the book.


The book ``Social Stratification and Inequality`` is written by Harold Kerbo who himself teaches sociology in a University in California. He has done a lot of work for sociology all over the world and has been teaching sociology in many universities. It has been a long time that Harold Kerbo is writing different books on sociological issues. The main focus of his work is to eliminate the social class differences that have created differences in the society. As the writer is currently working in America he has written the book on the social stratification and inequalities that have been emerging in the American society. The writer through his research and work on sociology has been able to provide a comprehensive amount of information on the global economic and the social divisions increasing in the American societies. This book is the seventh edition that gives importance to the global perspective on the social stratification in the American society. The book gives in detail the historical background and reasons of how the different social conflicts have evolved during the years in the American society and all over the world. The writer has been able to provide some statistical information of social stratification and inequality in the American society. The writer through his research has also been able to draw a comparison of social stratification and inequality in American society and the rest of the world. Harold Kerbo has also identified different trends that have been changing in the American society over the years. The updated edition by the writer has been able to provide new and updated information according to the needs of each chapter of the book. The chapters have included current information on the present social stratification status in the American society, the book has been able to include the current status of poverty in the society, the status of providing welfare to the people and is there still gender discrimination present in ...
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