Book Review

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“Winning” Book Review by Jack Welch


"Victory" is destined to become the bible of business for future generations. This is obvious and a brief description of the answers to the most important questions people face difficult and to and from work in a company, large or small. He describes his heart, corporations, and devotes a large part of the victory to the actual "stuff" of work. Welch's hopes, no excuses, GET-IT-done mind has predetermined is riveting. Its purpose is to anyone help and everyone has a passion for success.

Book analysis

In general, the "Victory" accentuates the positive on many levels, resulting in companies and individuals to thrive and grow, creating jobs and more opportunities for all. It covers a broad expanse of business experience Jack. He devotes a chapter all of the policy statements of the balance of work and personal life. Jack claims that he decided to write this book to answer repeated questions he receives in Q & sessions around the world. This leads to what is timely, well-informed and relevant. Because of the scope of this book, I'll try to focus on sections that I found most relevant to leadership.


According to Jack Welch, the words "mission and values" are among the most abstract, overused, and understood the conditions of modern business. However, they also are most important. In his opinion, a good application and support a set of values should never come across as wishy-washy or too academic. He believes that they should be "so real they are directly in your face with their concreteness." Your mission is to announce exactly where you are going. There should be no ambiguity. The book is divided into four sections.

The first section is entitled underneath it all, and he takes a look at the mission, values, using the candor, differentiation, and voice and dignity. The second section is called your company and has sections on leadership, recruitment, personnel management, parting ways, change and crisis management. The third section is called your competitors and suggestions on the strategy, budgeting, organic growth, mergers, and Six Sigma. The fourth section is about your career. It addresses areas such as finding the right job, getting promoted, and hard work and life. Underneath it all looks at what happens behind the scenes is a business and going.

Discussion and Analysis

Welch focuses on his actual management techniques. It is activated with an overview of cultural values such as candor, differentiation among the attendants, and the inclusion of all voices in decision-making process. The second section of the envelope he's own corporate or organization round her: the importance of rent, fiery, civilian governance in between them, and a few other juicy you want to crisis management. From there, Welch shifts in consultation competition and external factors that may affect the company's success: strategy, budgeting and mergers and acquisitions. Welch takes a more personal turn later with a focus on individual career issues, how to find the right job, get promoted, and deal ...
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