Book Review

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Cleopatra: Book Review

Table of Contents

Introduction of the book3

Reviews of others about the book3

About the author4

Review of the book in a summarize form4

Character description of Cleopatra6

Cleopatra: A life: From author's perspective7

Limitations and drawbacks of this book12

Analysis of Character13

Mark Antony13


Octavius Caesar15

Authenticity of the book16

The Struggle between Reason and Emotion17

The Clash of East and West18

Messages to Readers19

Public Displays of Affection19

Female Sexuality20


Cleopatra: Book Review

Introduction of the book

Cleopatra: A life is a book that deals with history. It is written by Stacy Schiff. This book presents non-fiction tale of a woman who is considered as a legendary figure and different uncertain incidents that had occurred in her life. It describes and presents the character of a woman with the name of Cleopatra who is portrayed as one of the most educated and influential lady and queen of Egypt. She has portrayed as a woman who has immense ability to seduce and attract men with her sultriness. She was an extremely ambitious woman. She had done a lot of effort in order to hold her position a s a queen (Thorburn, 2005, pp. 20).

Reviews of others about the book

“A cinematic portrait of a historical figure which is far more complex and compelling than any fictional creation, and a wide, panning panoramic picture of her world.”—The New York Times

“Ms. Schiff manages to tell Cleopatra's story with a balance of the tragic and the hilarious… [and] does a rare thing: She gives us a book we'd miss if it didn't exist.”—Wall Street Journal

“Merely contemplating a biography of Cleopatra required audacity, and Schiff more than succeeds at reframing her misunderstood queen in a way that is both scholarly and entertaining" —Boston Globe

“An inspiring way to tell stories in such a way that leaves the traces of characters in mind for so long”

“The book was amazing. From choosing a historic topic to the way she adopted to tell the story was simply superb and it is this quality of Stacy that has earned her many readers” - Little, Brown company

About the author

Stacy Schiff was born on October, 26th in 1961. She is a Pulitzer Prize winning author. She has expertise in writing biographies. She has written many biographies that has attained the title of bestseller. The most recent biography of Schiff is Cleopatra: A life, this book was launched in 2010 and has obtained a position in New York Times bestseller list. Schiff is a marvelous writer, scrupulous with the facts and generous with her imagination. She observes with a wry and acerbic eye, and her asides on how history is written, and how to discover and convey the characters of those who made that history.

Review of the book in a summarize form

Cleopatra: A life, this book is written by author Stacy Schiff. In this book Schiff uncover double layer of time and history to explore a woman who has more than one facet and in order to fulfill this purpose Schiff wrote an amazing book. This book has captivated attention of people who like to read books ...
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