Book Review

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Book Review

Book Review

Bullying wasn't okay in elementary school and it isn't okay now, especially when it comes in the form of a U.S. Supreme Court decision - John Doolittle

The quote above tells us that the decisions taken by the American Supreme Court are not up to the mark and are not accepted by everyone, but they are somehow accepted because it is the order of the Supreme Court and there is no one who can do anything about it. The supreme court of America is destroying the American economy by taking wrong and inappropriate decisions. Supreme courts of countries are meant to handle all the legal system of the country. They are responsible for promoting equality in the country and in ensuring that the country is not facing nay legal problems. It is their duty to see that every citizen is being treated equally and has is exercising his rights.

The book, 'Men in black: How the Supreme Court is destroying America' by Levin is a classic example of the functioning of the Supreme Court. The book was published at a classic time, i.e. in 2005 when there were a lot of constitutional and legal issues going on in the country. The author of the book has discussed the issue in an extremely impressive manner. The cases mentioned by him in the book are commendable and he has picked the right cases which were a mistake by the Supreme Court. Such mistakes by the Supreme Court cause a lot of problem in the economy because not everyone is happy with the decision which impacts the economy in a very negative way.

The cases discussed by Levin in the book are Roe vs. Wade which recognizes the right to abortion, Grutter vs. Bollinger which approves the race discrimination in the university and college ...
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