Book Report On “revolution In World Missions” By K.P Yohannnan

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Book Report on “Revolution in World Missions” By K.P Yohannnan

Book Report on “Revolution in World Missions” By K.P Yohannnan


The book “Revolution in World Missions” written by K.P Yohannnan, is a remarkable book which describes the changes, which the Missions in different countries have gone through along with India due to ever changing political picture of the world. K.P Yohannnan from the age of 16 dedicated his life to the poor people of South Asia in order to win the souls of the people and fulfill the work for which he tends to be created by the god, who is to serve the poor people and help stand on their own feet. Yohannan went to United States of America in 1974 in order to obtain his formal theological training in the course of it pastured the church for four years. His strong connection with his roots forced his to go back to his native country, India, and serve the people since many were waiting for him. As a result, he and his wife returned to India and initiated a small project which after years of hard works, known as Gospel for Asia. It helps those poor people destined to live their life below the line of poverty.


This book tends to speak and raise questions regarding the role and the conduct of the missions. Missions tend to help people, but recently the Missions are only going out in those countries in order to win the hearts and minds of the people which already tend to have Christianity presence. In his view, the strategy of the Missions requires a deep study and their role should be more towards helping the people financially especially in the countries where poverty level is quite high. He believes that the Christians are continuously trying to win the hearts of the people, but only those are succeeding who tend to cater the people according to their needs.

Yohannnan in his book highlights the point of view that the change in the mindset of the missions is the need of the hour. Missions today are trying to spread Christianity in those areas where the seeds of Christianity have already been planted; therefore, the concentration should now be on reaching out to the poor people living in the world where the people tend to look Westerners with doubt. Therefore, many countries tend to block the new missions and those who are currently working in the field have dedicated themselves to the concepts of social work. Hardly any of the missions are working to win the soul of the people.

He urges that the role of native missionaries should be changed, and they are the ones who can win the soul of the people. He argues that native missionaries would prove more fruitful rather than the western missions working on the ground. Since the western missions, fail to understand the culture; therefore, there is a definite possibility that their efforts can be of no use which we have seen in the ...
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