Book Report

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Book Report

Book Report


The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant facts relating to the book: Quality research Papers for students of religion and theology. In this paper, we will analyze the main gist of each chapter included in the book. This handbook tries to put several aspects of research writing, bibliography, search techniques, organization, and form, into a balanced perspective.

Discussion & Analysis

This book provides an in-depth analysis of the research and writing techniques that should be used by the students of theology and religion for purpose of writing a quality research paper. The original text of this book was written in Spanish in 1980 for South American graduate students. The first English version (1989) was designed to meet the needs of students working in English as a second language at the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies in the Philippines. The 2001 Zondervan edition incorporated the writer's experience teaching research and dissertation writing to graduate students at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, at Andrews University, Bemen Springs, Michigan, through the 1990s. This updated edition takes into consideration further teaching experience at the Adventist University of Africa. It also notes important advances in Internet technology since the first edition.

The ideas and techniques in this book are not original. They have been collected from many authors, as the bibliography will attest. Over the years, these instructions have been given, with slight variations, to students in the Americas, Asia, and other regions of the world.

The first thirteen chapters present the steps and procedures of research. Chapters 14 through 18 describe specialized forms of research: exegesis, description, program development, the case study, and book reviews. Chapter 19 discusses statistics, graphs, and tables as used in research. Chapter 20 deals with theses and dissertations, while chapter ...
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