Book Of Judges And Book Of Judith

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Book of Judges and Book of Judith

Book of Judges and Book of Judith

How do Deborah and Judith differ?

Deborah was a leader of Israel when God's people were in a period of great decline—Faith? courage? and devotion toward God have a powerful impact in a woman's life. In other words Deborah or was a prophetess and the fourth? and the only female? Judge of pre-monarchic Israel in the Old Testament (Tanakh). Her story is told twice? in chapters 4 and 5 of Judges. Judges 5 gives this same story in poetic form. This passage? often called The Song of Deborah? may date to as early as the 8th century BC and is perhaps the earliest sample of Hebrew poetry. (www.biblestudy It is also significant because it is one of the oldest passages that portrays fighting women? the account being that of Jael? the wife of Heber? a Kenite tentmaker. Jael killed Sisera by driving a tent peg through his temple as he slept. The account is interesting in that both Deborah and Jael are portrayed as strong independent women. ( The poem may have been included in the Book of the Wars of the Lord mentioned in Numbers 21:14. The accounts of Judges 4 and 5 tell the story of a battle at Kishon and Taanach whose waters lap the walls of ancient Megiddo. In alliance with Barak the king of Kadesh and some of Israel's northern tribes after the death of Joshua in the time of Shamgar the son of Anath which is located on the north slope of Mount Tabor. Jabin the king of Canaan reigned at Hazor and the commander of his army was Sisera who lived in Haroseth-ha-goiim. (

In context Joshua has just finished attacking the Perizzites of Adonai-zedek at Bezek? Kirith -arba? Kirathsepher? Sheshi? Ahiman and Talmai. The sons of Hobab the Kenite? father-in-law of Moses? went up with the sons of Judah into the wilderness of Negeb at the ascent of Arab and lived with the Amalakites. Judah did not take Ashkelon? Ekron or Bethel of the Hittites. Manassah did not subdue Beth Shean? Tanaach? Dor? Ibleam? or Meggido. Ephron did not drive out the Canaanites in Gezer? Zebulon did not drive out the inhabitants of Kitron or Nahalol. Asher did not drive out the inhabitants of Acco? Sidon? Ahlab? Achzib? Aphik or Rehob. Naphtali did not drive out the inhabitants of Beth Shemesh or Beth Anath. The Amorites drove back the Danites into the highlands. Meanwhile? in the south? battles continued with the Edomites? the Moabites and the Philistines. (

Most of the then Egyptian territory shown in the adjoining map was up in arms and there were few allies among the southern tribes who were free to come to the assistance of Deborah and Barak. Israel? which the song of Deborah and Barak numbers at 40?000 spears? was unavailable except for forces from the tribes of Ephraim? Benjamin? Machir? Zebulon? Isaachar? and ...
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