Book Evaluations

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Book Evaluations

Book Evaluations

1. When Heaven Invades Earth

The book “When Heaven Invades Earth” is a powerful statement and testimony on the Kingdom of God. Theologically sound? well supported? and extremely well argued? this message provides a carefully constructed biblical foundation for the average Christian to live and walk in the miraculous? supernatural power of God. Not only is the supernatural possible? it is also our commission.

The Great Commission that Christ gave to the Church challenges us and makes us responsible to rise up to this supreme supernatural calling. Johnson shows you how you are called to dominion in the earth through the divine rule of God. This book provides is an excellent introduction to the concept of experiencing the power of God in daily life. It inspires the reader to believe that we can not only experience the miraculous? but that we ought to expect it. The book is a wonderful antidote to the fear? ignorance? and religious spirit that have made miracles so rare in our modern culture. Apart from that the writing didn't seem to flow as well as in Johnson's other book. As far as I can tell? it is the first major book he wrote. So? that might explain the whole flow thing. I tried to overlook that though and kept reading.

Johnson is a man that obviously loves God? is hungry for God? and strives to live a life in the supernatural. He also obviously desires for other Christians to walk in the supernatural? and lays out in great detail how to encounter signs and wonders? miracles and revival. This book might be good for anyone who hasn't experienced these things in their walk with God? and desires to do so. However? I say that with some apprehension. [1]

Talking from experience with revival and the supernatural? "When Heaven Invades Earth" lacked some balance between the practicalities of everyday living and the supernatural that I would hope for in a book like this.

First of all? having been raised in Pentecostal churches all my life i knew what the bible talked about things such as healing and I know it is the will of God for us to be healed and the bible talking about the supernatural. I knew the bible talked about signs and wonders confirming the word? but god had to teach me something through this book! The author talks about how the supernatural is the normal life for the believer? about the present state of the Kingdom of God? and how we are ambassadors for his Kingdom? about what we need to do for revival? and much more.

I learned that I as a believer should expect the Supernatural! Plus he shares powerful stories how ordinary people are performing the supernatural in their everday world! It increased my faith for the supernatural and I called upon God to forgive me for not expecting the supernatural like I should have! I learned that the supernatural is a normal part of a believer's life!!! It actually ...
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